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Author's Note:

This is part two to the previous chapter.

As requested! ;)

Please enjoy!


The blurred lights from the passing stoplights and cars are luminous in the blackness of the night. You are currently in the car with your brother, Mike Moustakas after attending a New Years Eve party at Chase Anderson's fortress of a house.

Getting lost in the flashing lights from the city, you remember the events that happened previously at the get-together. Your overprotective brother had caught you and Christian Yelich kissing on the outdoor porch during the New Years countdown and was furious. He literally ripped the door handle off of its hinges to remove the barrier between him and you.

He thought of you as his seemingly helpless baby sister that needed his protecting, but you were independent and could defend yourself if the time ever arose. In the heat of his anger, poor Christian was on the receiving end of the fist of your brother. This made Mike's point painfully clear that he did not want him anywhere near you.

He also ended up grabbing you roughly by the arm and leading you through the massive crowd to his expensive sports car. This brings you to where you are now.

Neither you or Mike had spoken a word to each other since the party and the silence was killing you. Even though you knew all of his anger was focused on Yelich, you still felt the guilt eating you from the inside out. You had never seen your brother with such a sour attitude, even while playing baseball. This was completely new and terrifying for you.

Finally arriving at your high-end apartment complex, Mike escorted you back to your place of residence in silence. Your bare feet stung with every step on the cold floor. You had taken off your agonizing heels and walked barefoot from the car to your home.

Rattling the set of keys in your black purse that was slung over your shoulder, you and Mike approach the door to your apartment. You look up at him to see an expressionless look plastered onto his face.

Knowing that the feeling of irritation wouldn't leave him for a few days, you didn't press your luck to try and talk to him. After maintaining eye contact for longer than comfortable, you finally break the silence while opening your door and slipping yourself inside of the apartment.

"Well, Happy New Year's to you, too. Thanks for the ride." You grumbled at your brother who was still frozen in the hallway. You began to close the door after he remained still for a few moments, keeping his eyes glued to the floor. Suddenly, a large foot stopped the wooden door from closing.

"(Y/N), wait." Mike began, "I may have overreacted just a bit." You chuckled at his apology and leaned against the doorframe waiting for him to continue talking. "I'm sorry," He inhales sharply, "it is none of my business who you spend your time with."

"First of all," You stated while resting your hand on your hip, "thank you for the apology and you're right, you don't have any business in my love life. However, you know me better than anyone and I appreciate you looking out for me, even though you took it too far."

He simply smiled and put his hands into his pockets at the thought of you liking him being protective of you. However, you definitely pushed your luck by asking him the following question.

"But do you think you could give Christian my number at practice tomorrow?"


After returning to reality for the next two days, you realize that you can't get the baseball player out of your head. If Mike had done what you asked, Christian would surely have your number by now. What if he has no interest in texting me? You frown at the thought when your phone buzzes on the wooden table next to the couch in your living room that was centered in front of your TV.

Christian: Hey (Y/N)! This is Christian from the New Year's party

(Y/N): Hi Christian! I can't tell you how sorry I am about how my brother acted

Christian: Yeah, he left me with a pretty bad bruise, but he apologized for it at today's practice

(Y/N): It's good to hear that he apologized

Christian: So, how's the new year treating you so far

(Y/N): Pretty good, I have the whole week off of work so I have an excuse to binge-watch Netflix

Christian: Lol. Hey (Y/N), can I ask you a question

(Y/N): Go for it

Christian: Ok, (Y/N). Would you maybe want to go out to dinner with me

(Y/N): That sounds great, my schedule is pretty flexible so anytime that works for you will probably work for me

Christian: Awesome! Can I pick you up on Thursday night around 6ish and take you to dinner

(Y/N): I'm free, text me later and I'll send you my address

Christian: Can't wait ;)

(Y/N): Me either! :)


Before you knew it, it was already time for you to meet Christian. He had picked you up from your apartment and you are currently in the car with him. He is dressed in a nice polo shirt and black pants. You wore a pair of black leggings, black boots, and a red long-sleeve shirt with an oversized black scarf draped around your neck.

You and Christian had talked about everything from your favorite animals to your families. You two had great chemistry together and he was very easy to talk to. "So," You begin. "What is the name of the mystery restaurant you are taking me to?"

"You realize that the whole point of me calling it the mystery restaurant is so that it is a surprise, right?" He cooed while chuckling with a noticeably large grin spreading across his face.

"I know, but you should know that I'm incredibly stubborn." You claimed, trying to persuade him into telling you where the final destination was.

"Well, we're here, so you can stop complaining now." He stated while putting his car into park and lifting himself from the leather seat. You mirrored him, stepping out from the red sports car and scanning your surroundings to get an answer to your previously asked question.

The answer shocked you, however. You quickly take into notice that the sight in front of you is no restaurant, but a pavilion on a hill overlooking the city. The dome had golden yellow strings of lights covering almost every piece of white wood on the structure. In the center of the breathtaking canopy was a single circular table covered with food meant for the two of you.

Your date breaks your trance by extending his arm to you. You gladly accept and he escorts you up the gravel road to the architectural masterpiece. Pulling out the wooden chair for you, you sit down and he joins you at the table, sitting across from you.

"So, what do you think?" Christian asked you, taking you by surprise. "Christian, this is the prettiest thing I've ever seen and nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." You gush, completely swooning over how much thought he put into tonight.

"I disagree, the prettiest thing I've ever seen is sitting right in front of me." He complimented you smoothly with his chin resting in the palm of his hand. "(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend." He stuttered, completely stumbling over his words.

A blush spreads across your cheeks like a wildfire. "Of course I will."

Imagines ~ C. YELICHWhere stories live. Discover now