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"Am I bothering you?" You whispered, creaking the hospital door open after a few soft knocks.

"Never." Christian replies a few seconds later with a smile on his face after realizing who was at the door.

You slowly make your way into the plain colored hospital room, trying your best not to trip over any important wires or medical equipment.

You stop to take in the full sight of your injured fiancee laying helplessly in a hospital bed and connected to countless beeping machines. His messy brown hair was carelessly brushed to the side of his face. His left leg is surrounded by a white cast and is being elevated on a stack of white pillows.

Tears threaten to spill out of the corner of your eyes once again as you replay the memory of how Christian ended up like this in the first place.

It was an ordinary day, you had kissed Christian in the morning before he left your shared house to go to practice. However, a single call from the team physical therapist caused you to immediately jump into your car and drive like a maniac to the hospital to meet your injured fiancee.

He had taken a bad injury to his left leg, leaving multiple bones broken and many muscles and ligaments torn.

Your eyes meet Christian's chocolate brown ones and you can no longer control your emotions. Tears slide down your cheeks and your bottom lip quivers.

"Baby, come here." Christian says, extending both of his arms, inviting you into his embrace to try and comfort you.

You wipe your eyes with the sleeve of his oversized brewers hoodie that you shamelessly stole and quickly shuffle your feet and are surrounded by his warm arms.

"Christian, I was so worried." You sob into his chest, him stroking your shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair.

"It'll be ok, I promise." He reassures, pulling away and patting the spot on his small hospital bed, motioning for you to lay down with him.

Taking him up on his offer, you kick off your sneakers and crawl onto the open space, careful not to touch his injured leg. The small window on the furthest wall of the room that once had light spilling through the blinds is replaced with the dark hues of nightfall.

You cuddle up next to him, curing into a small ball and letting him spoon you. Even though you were plagued with uncertainty and incredibly stressful day, all that mattered in this moment was Christian and your never-ending love for him.

You slowly open your eyes once again and see Christian sleeping soundly next to you, giving you a sense of peace. Even though your relationship will always be full of ups and downs, you wouldn't trade it for the world.

One day, when you are finally standing in a church across from Christian and in front of your family and friends, you will publicly admit your love for him and say your vows. In sickness and in health, right?

Imagines ~ C. YELICHWhere stories live. Discover now