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It seemed like everything that could go wrong in life was indeed going wrong. You just got fired from your dream job as a chef because you accidentally caught the oven on fire while making lasagna, your dog passed away a couple of weeks ago, and you barely have enough money to cover this months rent.

This start of 2019 was a complete shit show, to say the least. To compensate for your lost job, you had to take a crummy gig as a waitress at a local bar. Not only did you have to work long hours, but every evening you came home smelling like smoke and alcohol.

The worst of it, however, was the loss of your car. Without the old truck in which you named Bruce, you had to make a dangerous voyage home every night through the bustling city of Milwaukee.

Today was nothing out of the ordinary. You woke up at the crack of dawn, walked to work clothed in a winter coat due to the bone-chilling weather, spent the day with a bunch of drunk middle-aged men who catcalled you left and right, and finally are now getting ready to walk home.

Getting ready to brace the cold, you cover yourself in your black winter coat and slip on your gloves and hat. Pulling your chocolate brown hair into the hood of your coat, you push open the heavy doors to the bar and are wafted with a stinging sensation from how cold it is.

Staying along the sidewalk, you look up to see the beauty of the city. From the flashing streetlights to the food vendors along the road, you loved everything about the place you called home.

In the midst of your trance, you are suddenly caught off balance when a large figure bumps into you. Feeling the stinging in your behind from making contact with the cement, you look up to see a handsome man with brown hair look at you in shock in confusion.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." He apologizes quickly while grabbing your hand and pulling you to your feet.

"It's my fault, I was distracted." You reply, brushing the invisible dirt off your jeans.

A few moments of silence passes and you are caught off guard when he extends his arm for a handshake and introduces himself with a smile. "Christian."

You gladly accept but hesitate to tell him your name. "(Y/N)."

This was weird. Why didn't he just keep walking after he helped me up? Random kindness wasn't usually something shared by strangers in this part of the city, but you oddly appreciated it.

"So, what are you doing out this late at night?" He asks you while putting his hands into his pockets, obviously trying to make small talk.

"I just got off of work." You mumble while noticing that you can see the steam from your warm breath in the cold air.

"Me too." He replies, "Hey, I was headed to this really good hot chocolate place a few blocks away. Would you like to come with?"

"Uh, Yeah. That'd be great, actually." You reply against your better judgment, walking alongside the mystery man.


After a short walk that was filled with awkward silence, Christian leads you into a fun coffee shop a few blocks away from your apartment complex.

He opened the glass door for you and you followed him up to the counter that was located to the left of the door. The coffee shop was cute and inviting. Floral wallpaper lined the walls and there were golden string lights that gave off a warm glow stranded messily through the metal bars in the roof.

"Two hot chocolates please." Christian tells the cashier while pulling a crisp five dollar bill out of his wallet.

While he does this, you take it upon yourself to find a table for the two of you. Due to the fact that the shop was nearly empty, you easily locate an empty one near the center of the room.

Christian finally joins you and you thank him for paying for your drink.

"It's my pleasure." The brunette says while pulling the metal chair out for him to sit on.

"So, are you from the city?" You ask him, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Nah, I'm actually from California." Christian replied with a bit of spunk while shrugging his shoulders.

You twiddle your thumbs in anticipation of the hot chocolate and notice how gorgeous his dark eyes are in the lights from the ceiling.

Catching you staring, Christian can't help but let out a little chuckle. "What about you?"

"I was born and raised in the city." You answer his questions when the two drinks are set in front of you and you quickly take a sip. The steam warms your nose but the scolding liquid burns your tongue.


About half an hour and a cup of hot chocolate later, Christian agreed to walk you home. The two of you had an amazing time talking about anything and everything under the sun. He was easy to talk to once you warmed up to him.

"Alright, this is the place." You express while waving your hand to indicate that this is where you lived.

"I had a great time tonight." Christian begins with a genuine toothy smile on his face.

"Yeah, so did I. And you were right, that is the best hot chocolate in the city." You reply, returning the smile.

"Would you maybe want to do it again sometime?" The California native implies, standing still while awaiting an answer.

"I'd love that." You retort, obviously returning his feelings. This immediately causes the man to smile from ear to ear while a blush creeps up onto your cheeks.

You pull your phone out of the pocket of your coat and pull up the list of contacts so he can enter his number.

He takes the device out of your hand and quickly types. With a wave and a goodbye, Christian turns on his heels and walks down the sidewalk and out of sight. You lift up your phone back and look at the name on the glowing screen.

"Holy shit." You mumble under your breath with your eyes widened and mouth agape, "That was Christian Yelich. I just went on a date with Christian Yelich."

Imagines ~ C. YELICHWhere stories live. Discover now