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yelling was coming from the kim household and multiple crashes were echoing towards the outside. coming from the kitchen, the husband, namjoon, took a glass plate and threw it to the ground. he started yelling at his wife, aaliyah, and she began yelling at him as well.

"can we act like a married couple for just two seconds?!" namjoon stresses.

aaliyah scoffs and shooked her head. she was over this man. "i'm playing my part it's just you who don't know how to act civilized."

namjoon clenched his jaw and squeezed his fists. he was trying his hardest not to explode.

"aaliyah don't make me say something that'll shut your ass up. you know how bad my mouth can get."

aaliyah flashed the middle finger to namjoon and she walked out of the kitchen. she stomped her foot as she made her way upstairs, walking to their shared master bedroom.

aaliyah went to the closet and grabbed a suitcase. she couldn't stay any longer with this man because she might just kill him.

to be annoying, namjoon sat on the bed with his ginger tea and stared at aaliyah. "where your ass going?" he gave her this sly smirk as if he knew that she wasn't going to last awhile without him.

"someplace where you're not there. i can't stand you right now." she answered truthfully.

namjoon laughed and almost spilled his ginger tea. "you can't stand me? that's really cute. i can't stand your ass, you're annoying, manipulative, snobby, a liar, a─"

"what have i lied about exactly?" her voice boomed and their pictures on the wall shook.

"your vows," his answer was blunt and simple. "you said that through sickness and in health you'd stay with me. no matter how bad our arguments get that you'll never leave. now look at you, you're packing. that's funny."

"no, what's funny is that i'm finally leaving your ass after all this time. you're to good too be true."

aaliyah picked up her suitcase and began walking out. once she reached the front door she glared at namjoon.

"you'll be coming back kissing all over me. you can stay as mad as you want honey."

"fuck you!" his wife screamed, slamming the front door.

namjoon smirked and placed a peace sign up.

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