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"i'm glad to see that you actually came

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"i'm glad to see that you actually came." i said to aimee as i took my seat next to her. i called her and told her that i wanted to meet up to talk about certain things.

i have to completely shut her out of my life and so i told her to pick a spot and a time so we can discuss. she chose a bar that wasn't too far from her house.

it was bad enough that i kept myself dealing with her for so long. i think its time that i end everything today.

"of course i would come. anything for you. i bought us some drinks if you didn't mind."

i took the shot from her hand and i placed the glass down after i was done. was the liquor imported? it tasted more bitter than usual. "aimee look, i know you and i have history together and that we were deeply in love a while back but i'm married now and i love my wife."

she was listening attentively. "i completely understand. before you continue, i just wanted to say that im sorry for the way i acted towards you and your wife. i guess i missed the idea of being with you."

"what you did at the reunion was very unacceptable. i was disappointed in you. i was in the wrong for not telling my wife that i was communicating with you again. i have to pay—." my head started spinning and i literally had to hold it.

"joon are you okay?" aimee asked worryingly.

"yeah i'm fine, i just got a little dizzy. where does this bar get their drinks from?"

"i actually don't know, i'm pretty sure italy and other parts of europe."

"as i was saying, i have to pay the consequences for my actions." aimee looked at me confused and placed her hand on mine.

"what are you getting at joon? is there something that you want to tell me?" i tried looking at aimee but instead of seeing one of her i saw three. i blinked a few times and even rubbed my eyes. nothing was working.

"yessss aimeeee." my mouth was getting so dehydrated. barely any spit was going down my throat. "w-we can't see each other anymore. i'm cutting you off for good." she got up and walked behind me.

aimee wrapped her hands around my neck and she used a stiletto nail to undo a button on my shirt.

"you're really trying to get rid of the best pussy that you ever had? how is aaliyah going to make you feel as good as i make you? you don't remember almost fucking me multiple times before?"

"the temptation to cheat with me on your wife was high and it still is. let me show what a good time feels like before you get trapped and miserable at home forever."

i leaned my head back and it landed on aimee's chest. she rubbed on my shoulders gently for the first time and began kissing on my neck.

"come with me daddy, i'll make you see more than just the stars in the sky."

she grabbed my hands and my legs felt just as weak as if i was doing a hardcore workout. i couldn't support myself.

i don't even know how i was walking. this feeling was way more intense than what i experience at lu's late night bar. i felt more suffocated and fuzzy.

"watch your head." i heard aimee say to me before i crashed.

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