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namjoon looked out the window and admired the brown and yellowish leaves carelessly falling to the ground

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namjoon looked out the window and admired the brown and yellowish leaves carelessly falling to the ground. he sighed loudly hoping that something living heard him.

its been two months since aaliyah left from the face of the earth. she didn't leave a phone call, a text, or even a letter. she made it clear that she didn't want nothing to do with namjoon.

he never left his house for what seem like years or maybe even decades. couples fight and yell at each other, they say things they don't mean but in the end they always get back together right?

he couldn't help but think of the downfalls that were soon to come. namjoon was lost and alone.

after work all he ever does is go to his room and sleep. sleeping helps him fight the unwanted feelings he kept. sleeping helps him die slowly.

another sigh escaped his mouth as he went outside to get the mail. the mail man would always ask how the married couple were doing, but after not seeing aaliyah for two consecutive months he got the idea.

the man knew better than to ask namjoon anything. he would always watch as namjoon aggressively grab the envelopes and march back inside. he was always grumpy and irritated.

namjoon stomped to his living room and threw the mail down. the table was covered by letters and opened envelopes. it was like a sea of mail.

he sat down and read one by one.

from: aaliyah downs
to: kim namjoon

well its me aaliyah and im well and alive. you must be wondering where i'm staying at but dont worry about that right now. i'm willing to put our differences aside if you agree to go to couples counseling with me. we need this no matter how much you try to disagree. come to the address i placed on the bottom of this letter tomorrow at 11:00 am sharp. i'm expecting you namjoon.

until then stranger,
aaliyah downs

namjoon was shocked and baffled. who does this girl think she is? couples therapy? in his mind he knows they kind of need this but the other part of him didn't want other people to get involved.

aaliyah liked to play the victim in front of people which infuriated namjoon. she knows that she's manipulative and its drives him crazy how people always fall for her deceiving tricks.

"fuck that shit." namjoon said.

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