The dream

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I was inside my old family home when I see this guy around my age next to a fence that was twenty some yards away. He was messing with something that I couldn't see; then, he flickered out like a ghost.
This man kept appearing and disappearing like a messed up holographic projection. After a while, he popped back in except he was close to the glass door that I was staring through. He was staring straight at me as if he was trying to figure out who I was and why I was there. I immediately felt uncomfortable so I turned around and ran.
While I ran, the setting changed to a field. I wasn't bothered so I kept running, continuously looking behind me to see if he was gaining. He was chasing after me and was gaining speed. My heart was pounding and my legs were pushing me forward so fast. I could barely here anything other than the sound of my heartbeat pumping to give me life. As I looked back again, I tripped and fell onto a puddle.
He was still chasing me, so I pulled myself up and stepped through the puddle into another world. The guy that was following me like a dog without a owner, was nowhere to be found.
As I noticed the new world, I saw an old castle. The walls of the castle were crumbling but were still pretty sturdy. They were thick with leafy vines and were lined with budding rose bushes. The castle, as a whole, was picture perfect.
Surrounding the crumbly castle, were strong, healthy pines and spruces. The birds were chirping and the deer were frolicking throughout the place. I was at peace with myself and the world behind me.
If the castle was as beautiful on the outside, I couldn't wait to find out what was inside of it. I walked through the doors of the castle to find a long line of people. Naturally, I got in line behind them.

As I looked at the line of people that were in front of me, I could tell that they were waiting to buy a book or some other kind of merchandise. There were glass containers filled with all kinds of oddities throughout the great hall. Some of the items that were in the cases, ranged from large to small, wide to thin, metal to plastic objects.
What caught my eye most of all, was the guy that was standing in front of me. He turned around and stared at me, breaking into a wide smile as he looked deep into my blue eyes. His eyes were grey and had a hawk-like ferocity in them like he could snatch me up and take me away. As I look at him more, I realize he was the same guy that was chasing me. He was tall and slender but had this unmistakeable charm about him. This man had an upturned nose, sparkling/ hawk-like grey eyes, and his once wide smile turned into a sly smirk in an instant. Like he knew that I knew who he was. My heart was pounding slightly as he continued to stare at me. I built up the courage to ask him what his name was but before he could answer, I woke up in the middle of a wheat field.

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