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Drew's POV

     Isabella and I get up the next morning and unlock all the doors, windows, and the fireplace. The glass from the window was cracked and the door was barely on its hinges. We need to fix it before tonight.

    I head outside and go towards the woods. Picking up the sticks and fallen limbs, I carry them back and set them in the fireplace. I'm not going to set a fire today till it starts to get colder and it might not even be cold tonight. It was sweltering hot.

   I see Isabella poking her head out of the shack before she comes out of it hesitantly like the monsters are gonna eat her as soon as she sets foot in the grass. She makes her way over to me before she says, " What can I do to help?"

     "We need to put the door back on its hinges." I say, grabbing more sticks. "Breakfast should be soon."

      She looks at me with confusion. "How are we going to get food? There are no animals or readily edible plants out here." I forgot to tell her about the food slot.

     "Walk with me." I say, preparing to show her where it is. She looks at me hesitantly before we head over to the wall. Once we got there, she looks even more confused and then looks up at me.

    " it's just a wall. What's so special about it?" She says. Oh boy, wait till I tell her about the whole exhibit.

    "No, it's not. Look closer, really closer." She peers inside when all of a sudden she backs up with fright.

    "Where... where are we?" She says, frighteningly.

     "We are on a transporter. A spaceship that is going to take us to another planet before they sell us to a zoo."

    "But that can't happen. We aren't even animals we can't be sold to a zoo. Who would sell us?" She says, hurriedly. She's terrified, I was just like her when I first found out.

    "Technically, we are animals. We are considered animals to the ones that wish to buy us or see us." I say, wishing not to answer her last question. I don't even really know but I have ideas. And none of them are good. The Cokara species, to put it nicely, are dumb and are easy to manipulate. They have to be controlled by someone else. This is where my theory takes place.

     Since I know that they have to be manipulated, they are easy to get around. But there are the select few that are like leaders or are higher up in the ranking than the others. These are the ones that you have to watch out for.  These Cokara have special communication links transplanted in their ears. They talk to the links all the time, but since I don't know their language, I have no clue what they are saying.

     The one that they are talking to, I assume, is the leader and my guess is that he isn't a Cokara or even human.

   I snap out of my thoughts as I looked back up to Isabella. She was looking at me as if she was expecting me to answer her back.

   "What?" I say, still slightly distracted by my thoughts.

    "I asked you if you could hand over some tools so we can get to work. We don't have all day." She says

     "Oh, yeah. The tools are in the shack under the floorboard where I have my photos and stuff. Let me get it." I say, starting to walk over there.

    "No, I can manage. I've got it." She says, insistingly.

    "No I've got it. You can work on gathering some branches..." I say, but as soon as I was finishing the word ' branches' I see her running wildly towards the shack.

   "Oh you've got to be kidding me." I say, running up past her and reaching the shack before her. I make it inside and to the floorboard where I reach under the photos and letters and even clothes to get the tools I need. Isabella comes in behind me, trying to catch her breath.

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