Chapter 35

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I would like to apologize for not being as active lately. I have a serious case of writer's block and I just couldn't find the motivation to write. I know that's not an excuse but I don't have any other explanation.

Bella's POV

      Our bodies molded together as we kissed. He instantly reacts bringing his hands up to cup my face.

     My fingers trace the hem of his shirt as I began to lift up. He breaks away from the kiss.

    "Are you sure?" He asks, breathlessly. I nod, smashing my lips to his. His hands move from my face to my waist. He lifts up my shirt and pulls it off, exposing my bra.

    "You are so beautiful," He pants. I blush and then begin to take off his shirt. My fingers  lightly trace his abs on the way up. About halfway up, he helps me take it off, due to him being taller than me.


    "Anything for you babe."

    "Oh really?" He nods and gives me his signature wink.

    "Take off your pants and get on the bed."

      "Yes, ma'am." He says, giving me a mock salute.


The next day

I woke up to the sound of moaning and it wasn't coming from our room. An arm was across my waist as I gently lifted my head to look out the window.
It was still super dark out. Noticing that I have time to sleep and not caring about the noise, I took the chance to get more sleep.

Hours later, the sun was shining brightly through the window. It's rays falling on my face and irritably, making me wake up. As I wake up, I feel an arm wrapped around my waist. My waist that is not clothed. Wait! Why am I not wearing clothes?!

Then, like a brick smashing into a window, everything that happened last night replayed in my mind. Him kissing me, me lifting up his shirt, us having . . . Holy shit!  I had . . . We had . . .

     Suddenly, I have a strong urge to pee. Like if I don't do it right now, I will explode. As I try to sit up, Drew's arm holds me tighter. I twist my body around to face him.

He looks so peaceful and adorable, like a sleeping puppy. His breaths were even as we laid on the bed. After a minute, his arm tightens around me as he shifts into a different position. Suddenly, I'm on top and straddling him. Kinda reminds me about last night . . . Nope. Bella, stop it! Get your head out of the gutter.

"Drew," I whisper, quietly. He doesn't respond. "Drew."

Again, no response. Well, like my grand pappy always said "if you want something, you gotta do it yourself."

I sit up and try to wiggle my way out of his arms. As I try to maneuver my way out, I feel something poking my butt. Oh god!

"Well, that's one way of waking me up. But honestly, I wouldn't mind waking up like this everyday with you on top," Drew's voice says from under me. He yawns and stretches his arms out. I see the opportunity and I take it. I jump off of him, take a blanket and wrap it around me, and run into the bathroom.

"Bella, what are you....?! Oh... ok." I hear from outside the bathroom. A few minutes pass by, and I finally make it out of the bathroom. Until, I realized that I have nothing on but a blanket and there are strangers living in this house. As I open the door to leave, Joyce's and Scott's door open. I quickly shut the door, only hearing footsteps go down the stairs. I quietly open the door, taking a peak outside, before dashing into our room.

Drew's muscular back was turned towards me as he got some boxers out of the dresser.

"Good morning." I say, making my way over to the closet. I drop the blanket as I search for clothes. As I searched for a t-shirt, I hear a gasp escaping from the door way. My head shoots that direction and I see a half-clothed Drew ogling my body. 

     "I . .  . Uhh... I just came in here to get a shirt." He says, awkwardly.

I smile and walk towards him. He watches my every move as I get closer and closer. As soon as I am close enough, I get in my tippy toes and kiss him. His arms curl around my legs and lift me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries us back to bed. We begin making out for the next few minutes. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Rise and shine, sleepy heads," Scott yells. I groan out of frustration and if looks could kill, Scott would be 6 feet under. Drew and I quickly got dressed, with a few pecks here and there, and headed down stairs.

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