Chapter 14

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Bella's POV

     Everything was black. I couldn't see, feel, or hear anything. It felt like all of my sense have shut down. All I remember was screaming Drew's name before I felt a prick on the back of my neck.

    Slowly, I got my senses back. Sight being the last to make an appearance. The roaring and clawing of other aliens was almost deafening. I felt something warm laying beside me on the floor of what end to be a metal cage. Are we in a cage?

   I open my eyes and see Drew lightly snoring to my right. Surrounding us, are a bunch of metal bars. Outside of that, many creatures ranging from small to large are in cages as well.

   I look down and stare at Drew. He looks so peaceful, like he didn't have a care in the world. He looks...beautiful.
All of a sudden, a cage gets rolled in beside us and what I saw was frightening.

   A scary creature covered in horns stares at me. It's eyes are a demonic shade of purple.

   We stare at each other for a few moments until it starts hissing and clawing, trying to reach me behind the bars. Reaching behind me, I shake Drew.

   "Drew! Drew, wake up!" I say, shaking him some more.

    "Five more minutes Jerome," he mumbles.

    "Drew, wake up." He opens his eyes and then closes them again

     "Drew, look!" I say, pointing at the monster. He opens his eyes again and looks at where I am pointing. His eyes widen and his arms wrap around me, bringing me against his chest.

    "What's going on?" He asks, keeping his eyes on the horrid beast.

     "I don't know. I just woke up and then this creature was rolled in beside us."

      "Did you see what rolled him in?"

     "No. My eyes were still kind of blurry from waking up."

      "Alright,well..." Drew starts but gets interrupted by another cage rolling in behind us. We both turn and look at our new neighbor. I didn't recognize the alien but Drew did.

      "Bella, back up."


        "Back up!!"

       I quickly shuffle away and then stand up. Just then, the alien spits and it's acidic saliva hits the ground when I had say not 5 seconds ago. I got a glimpse of the people that brought the acid spitting creature in. It was the same creature that I saw when I first came here.

"Of course it's the Cokara," Drew says.

12 of these- Cokara - wall towards our cell and looks at the acid that is slowly corroding the metal in the floor. Then It looks at us. It's beady eyes look at me and then at Drew who is still holding me for some reason.

The Cokara turns and leaves, calling it's species together before they all come back and surround us. Each one surrounds us and takes ahold of our cage. One of them that is holding a satchel pulls on one of the sides until it pops open and then it waddles in. It comes towards us and I bury myself in Drew. It still comes forward and then places a weird device on the back of my neck and does the same to Drew.

The metal device brightens and then begins to vibrate against Drew's neck and does the same to mine. Then, the Cokara places one on its forehead. As soon as it places the device on its head, a voice sounds in my mind.

Are you ok? I scrunch my eyebrows together. This didn't sound like my inner voice.

huh? I say

Are you ok? The weird voice says again. I look at the Cokara and it stares back.

Yeah, I guess I am fine. I say in my head, still staring at the Cokara. It blinks and the. I hear it's voice again.

Good. It doesn't look like the acid had any contact with your flesh. I'll send for someone to bring you and your mate's food. It starts to turn and leave.

Wait! Can you tell me what's going on? What are we doing here? How can I hear you in my head? The Cokara turns around and faces me.

We stopped on Zantar to refuel before we take you to your new homes. We had to bring you out of the ship and to this loading dock so we can clean and restock your habitats and to fuel the ships. As for why you can hear me inside your tiny head is because of this device, it points to the glowing metal, It serves as a translator and an injury detector. It won't stay on the part of your head called a "neck." Your skin will absorb it and it will continue to function even after the absorption. I'll send someone to bring your food. It turns to leave again.

Can we have pizza? I ask, do they even know what pizza is?

Perhaps. It exits the cage and locks the door.

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