Meeting Him

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My vision is super blurry but I can feel the warmth from the sun on my skin. After a minute of laying on the ground and taking in the comfortable warmth emanating from the sun, I get up and dust off the wheat from my clothes.
I am wearing my navy blue tank top and light blue skinny jeans that look amazing in the sunlight. I look around and all I can see is a battered looking shack, wheat fields, a creek, and the forest surrounding the shack.
I find a trail that leads to the shack, which wasn't hard considering that it isn't that far away. There's not a whole lot to see. No humans, no animals, not even bugs. This place looks deserted and it is making me uncomfortable. I hang my head low and keep walking, watching the ground to make sure I don't trip over the weeds and rocks that cover the trail.
When I get to the doorstep of the shack, I notice a small budding dandelion growing from the side of the steps that connect to the shack. It is so beautiful looking at something growing and coming to life when there isn't a whole lot of life around. It is a miracle.
I usually don't get to see things grow since I lived in the busy city. Anyways, when I get to the doorstep and finish staring at the golden yellow flower, I get tackled to the ground.
I was stunned. I didn't know what to do but after a few seconds I started to fight back. Whoever this person was, though, was extremely strong. I kicked, grabbed, clawed, and scratched but nothing would get him off of me. He held me down, muscles twitching in anger, and I looked up to meet his eyes. His dark forest green eyes, that are looking at me full of terror and anger.
I tried to shift my weight so that I can throw him off of me but nothing worked. "GET OFF ME!" I screamed, as I struggled to push him away. He hesitated for a second. This was my chance to get away. I pushed him off of me and scrambled a few feet away from him.
While I was scrambling away, he was getting back up. That was when i noticed he had a knife in his hand. It wasn't really a metal knife. It was wood carved and was sanded so much that it could slice through meat easily. Either way it could get the job done. I quickly scanned my body to see if I was injured but I couldn't feel any pain.

While I checked my body for any cuts, I noticed that I looked skinnier than I was yesterday. At least, I think it was yesterday. Instead of my arms having gravy/ arm fat, they were tone and looked like they had a lot of muscle on them. Instead of my thighs touching each other, there was a small gap in between them.
For some reason this looked unrealistic to me. Besides, how could I get so skinny in such a short amount of time? Just yesterday, I was pigging put on some chocolate chip ice cream and a bag of Doritos. By the way, I finished the whole bag. How....
"Who are you?!" He said in a gruff, loud voice. I don't pay attention to him as I still think about how I could have possibly gotten so skinny. I must weigh around 150 pounds. I snap out of it realizing that this man wants me to answer him. As I look up, though, I noticed he had a weird fashion style but it suited him well. He wore a red flannel with black suspenders, a well-worn pair of jeans, and sturdy steel-toe boots.
He has short, black hair that was slightly wavy and had a little bit of stubble, as if he hadn't shaved in a couple of days. This lumberjack looking guy was peering at me with his forest green eyes. He looked angry and confused.

" I said ' who are you!?'" He said, quite hatefully.
" I know what you said," I voice shakely. The warmth from the sun is slowly receding from me as I look up at him. " Who are you?"
" I asked first. Now. Who are you!?" He asks, as he points the carved knife towards my throat. I look down at the knife and gulp.
" I... I'm Isabella. It's... uh.. It's nice to meet you. Who are you?" I say, as I try to form a plan in my mind so I can turn this around. I can barely here what he is saying because my heart is thumping g against my rib cage.
" I'm drew. What.. what are you?" He replies in a shaky voice. The blade in his hand is shaking as much as his voice is.
" Umm... what?" I say, utterly confused by why he would ask this. What does he mean ' what am I?' This must be a joke, right? The blade is still pointing at me so I guess it isn't.
" I'm human. Why, what are you?" I ask, trying not to laugh. This just seems so stupid. Why would he ask me what I am? We are literally the only species here. There isn't any other species that looked like us. Is there? No, no there couldn't be. That would be absurd.
He releases his breath that neither one of us knew he was holding. As he exhales, you can visibly see his breath floating around and mixing with the crisp, cool air. Drew lowers the knife from my throat. It is starting to at a little bit too cold and I start to shiver. He sees me shivering and invites me into his shack. I reluctantly get up and walk in.
As I walk in, I see a small fireplace to the right and a couple of chairs with a small table. On the mantle, there are no photos or any momentos. It is barren and kind of sad looking. Over the fireplace, a kettle with water is boiling.
The kettle hisses and whistles till Drew takes it off of the fire and places it on the table. I walk across the room and notice all of the dust that has collected.
How can he live like this? Surrounded by dust and no one to live with? It seems lonely. How long has he been here and why isn't there another person with him? He stares at me as I walk around the room.
" Would you like a seat?" Drew says, motioning to the two chairs that are surrounding the small table.
"Sure," I say warily. I pick the small dusty red chair. As I sit down, the dust from the chair lifts up into the air. I cough and wave the dust away from me.
"So... how did you get here?" He asks, as I have another coughing fit.

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