Chapter 16

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Bella's POV

       "We made it. Bella, we made it!" Drew says, shocked. Suddenly, he grabs my face and brings his lips to mine.

       His soft lips work against mine in a feverish passion. He kisses me like there was no tomorrow. And to think, we almost didn't have one.

      Arms wrap around my waist and pull me onto him. My hand flies to his fluffy brown hair and pulls lightly. I can feel him smirk as we continue kissing but stop when someone behind me is trying to get our attention. I pull away and look at who interrupted us.

     My eyes scan over its body and picks out each and every detail. The creature had black and toxic green armor with little green pods of some kind of liquid. It had centipede like jaws and white fur at the base of its head.

It stared at me with a calculating gaze.
We are taking all zoo inhabitants back on the ship. Since your cage is damaged and we have used most of our tranquilizers, I suggest you don't try anything. It said looking at me and then to Drew. We stand up and follow the creature out of the cage and out of the building we were staying in.

Once we reached outside, I was in awe. This planet...This planet is beautiful. With great purple skies and the red grass that gently swayed on the ground, one would probable be absolutely terrified but I was too shocked by its beauty. I couldn't help it keep twisting and turning my head to get every single detail of this place in my memory.

Drew was walking close behind me doing the same exact thing that I was doing. Besides the red grass that was being gently blown by the wind, yellow flowers that look like a hybrid of yellow daffodils and butterfly weed litter the ground and outline a river filled with a black liquid that is unknown to mankind.

As I take in my surroundings, I fail to notice the guard that has turned to us. Drew and I stop in our tracks as we stare at the guard expectantly. Except the creature doesn't make a sound. In fact, his eyes are glazed over and stands like he is holding in a fart.

While the creature acts like he is frozen, another creature that looks similar to the one in front of us, approaches us. He comes towards us at a steady pace, glaring at Drew and I. My heart beat picks up a little bit as he gets closer. What is he going to do? Why was he coming over here?

The grass flattens as the creature stomps over to me like he had a mission to complete.

"Ma'am, you need to come with me," the guard says, stopping in front of me. I wouldn't actually say that he told me this. It was more like I could hear his voice in the back of my head. That's when I remembered the chip in my neck. Reaching behind my back, I feel for the translator chip but it must have absorbed into my skin already.

"Why?" Drew says lowly, glaring at the guard.

"Boss wants to speak with her." The guard says, nonchalantly. I look to Drew and see that all of the blood has drained from his face.

"Boss?" I ask, not really sure if I was directing it towards the guard or to Drew. Drew looks at the guard and then to me. He gulps and then takes my hand, his thumb gently rubbing circles on my skin.

"Ok. We'll go." He says, squeezing my hand tightly.

"No. Boss only wants her." The guard says, taking my elbow and pulling me away. What the hell is going on?

"Who... who's the boss?" I ask the guard. My question meets with silence as the guard and I walk away. Whoever this 'boss' guy was, why does he want me? Why does Drew look so scared?

As I'm being pulled in the opposite direction of Drew, I look at him and note the defeated look on his face.

The first guard breaks out of his trance and then takes Drew into the ship, leaving me with the guard that is gripping my elbow a little too roughly. I follow where he is leading me although I am kind of stumbling since we were walking kind of fast. He takes me into the front of the warehouse where we were initially staying in and leads me down a series of hallways.

Right, right, left , right, left, left again, another right and through a set of doors, then left past a wiry looking plant, then up a flight of stairs, another right.

"So.....what do you do for fun?" I huff as we go up another flight of stairs and then turn left. Seriously, how big was this warehouse? It looked smaller on the outside.

Two rights and a left later, we stop in front of a beige door.

"We're here."

I gasp, clutching my hand to my chest. "He speaks!"

Like before, I am met with silence and an expressionless face. Although I can almost detect a smile on his face.

The guard swiftly knocks on the door and then backs up so that I am in front of him. Coward, I thought.

We were left standing there in a middle of a hallway for a few minutes. Then, the door opens and who I saw made me take a step back.

The guy from my dream.


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