Chapter 27 part two

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Still Bella's POV


I wait a few seconds.... nothing. I open my eyes a little just to see what is going on but when I open them, I see that I am in a classroom.


It was your standard run of the mill classroom. Nothing seemed off about it. The grey cement walls paired with light grey tiled floors. A window shows the track and football field outside. I see a few people running on the track. Probably racing each other, I thought.
A bell rings and people start filing into the classroom.

"Can I sit here?" A blond haired boy with glasses asks, pointing at a desk beside me.

"Uhh.... sure." I say, taking in his appearance. Ok you caught me. I was checking him out.

He had thick rimmed glasses framing his face. His blond hair curled at the tips and he had freckles dotting his face. I could tell that he had a couple of zits on his nose and one on his chin.

He takes a seat and I look around, taking in the people finding their seats and milling about. Just as the bell rings again, a boy wearing a black sweatshirt, blue jeans and black high top Converse strolls in and takes the seat behind me. His brown hair was drenched in water. He must have took a shower.

I wonder what he looks like in the shower.... NO! Bella, stop it!

      He had a menacing smile on his face along with a deep scar that crosses his left eyebrow. He also looked like he got nicked on his chin. Maybe it was a shaving accident... those things happen, right?

     The teacher walks in and the class begins. This doesn't seem bad. At least nothing scary is happening.

      Thirty minutes later, the teacher continues to drone on and on about the quadratic formula when suddenly, the principal's voice goes over the intercom.

    "We're going under a lock down. This is not a drill.  I repeat ...We're going under a lock down and this is not a drill."

While the principal's panicky voice boomed out of the ceiling, we could hear yelling and shouting in the background..... then gunshots.

Everyone in the classroom quickly got up and went to the back of the room. The teacher turned off the lights, pulled the blinds on the window, and locked the door before he came to join us in the back.

Suddenly, a gunshot rings out in the hallway and a few girls in the classroom shriek. A few boys quickly picked up the desks and put them in front of the door to barricade ourselves in.
This was not a drill.... this was not a drill.

Everyone picked up random objects within grabbing distance that we could throw or use against the gunman. I hastily grabbed a few pencils, a book, and a pair of scissors that was laying on the teacher's desk.

Another gunshot rings and we all cower in the back corner of the classroom on the same side of the doorway.

All of a sudden, everything was silent. All I could hear was the rapid beating of my heart and the breaths of the people that surrounded me. From inside the room, we all heard banging against the lockers that were in the hallway.

A whimper escapes from a brunette girl that was sitting beside me. Her legs were pressed up tight against her body and her arms wrapped around her legs as if they were going to escape her if she didn't hold on.

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