Chapter 32

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Bella's POV

"Bella," a muffled voice says. Shut up! Let me sleep!

"Bella," the voice says louder. Is that . . .?

"Bella!" My eyes flick open and I jolt up into a sitting position. Was that all a dream? I close my eyes at the sudden brightness and run the tiredness from them.

"Baby, are you okay?" I squint my eyes and notice Drew crouched in front of me but it's so bright that I can't really tell. Maybe it wasn't a dream!

"What happened?" I say, groggily. Also, when did he start calling me baby? "Where are we?"

"We tried to escape but we were captured by some thrives that profit from stolen animals. I don't know where we are but I think we are safe here. We're in a place with more humans, " Drew says.

"So we're home?"

"This isn't home. It's not Earth, Bella. That's all I can tell you."

"Huh?" I opened my eyes wider and look around. Drew was right about there being more humans.

We were in a hut that was made of wood and straw. There was a pole in the middle that kept the whole place centered and there was s wood outlined opening that I faced. The opening gave me a view of a big body of water and people walking with sand in between their toes. Were we on a beach?

Suddenly, my view was blocked by a fit, middle aged looking woman. She has blonde, wavy hair, blue hair, no wrinkles or crows feet, and she was very busty. Basically, she had the body that every person her age would be extremely jealous about because she looked like a model. Her knuckles rapped on the wooden frame before she let herself in.

"Excuse me, miss. I'm Rebecca Stone. I am your nurse. You had a mild concussion and were severely malnourished but the doctor and I patched you up. We also patched up your ankles and wrists but it will take time for them to heal completely. They might leave scars, I am not sure." The blonde woman says.

I nod my head at her and take a look at my wrapped wrists. I don't really feel any pain coming from them. How long have I been here?

"You've been here a week, miss. The other villagers are super excited to meet you an this strapping young man right here." She says, patting Drew on the back, her fingers hovering over his muscles. I don't like that. Why does she have to touch him? He glances at her before his attention is back on me.

"When can we leave?" Drew speaks, gruffly.

"Well, she'll need a day to heal and she'll have to take it easy but I can go ask the governor if she can be released by tomorrow." She says, slightly running her fingers around his shoulders and back.

The governor?

"Ok, thank you." Drew says, quickly. His shoulders are hunched closer to his body as he tries to nonverbally reject her touch. He physically looks super uncomfortable.

Rebecca lifts her fingers and walks towards the door. Once she is in the doorway, she looks behind her back and gives Drew a nasty, lustful gaze. Then, finally, she passes the doorframe and leaves to go find this governor guy.

"How are you feeling, babe?" Drew asks, as he finally relaxes with her gone.

"I'm . . . okay, but shouldn't I be asking you that? I mean she had her hands all over you."

"Yeah, I know. She has been trying to do that for the past week. It's so freaking disgusting. This is the first time that she has even attempted that. I mean seriously, she is so repulsive."

"Really? I thought she was kind of pretty, at least, for someone her age." I say, crossing my arms.

" no one is as beautiful as you. Besides, I don't deal with that age-play stuff. I wouldn't want anyone other than you. I . . . I . . . I lov-" A knock interrupts Drew. We both move our attention to the man standing in the doorway. This man had short, graying hair. He was tall, thin but looked like had some muscle on him, and wore a button up suit with khakis.

"Hello, I'm the governor of this village. You must be Bella." He says, looking at me. Then, he moves his attention to Drew. "And you must be Drew. You know, this handsome young lad wouldn't leave your side for a second." The governor says, walking closer to us. Just as he is a couple of feet away, Drew positions himself closer to me as if he were afraid something was going to happen and he needed to protect me. The governor see this and stops walking.

"So Rebecca told me that you'd like to be released tomorrow?" He asks, staring at me with a small smile on his face.

"Uhhh....yeah." I say, softly, not looking up to meet his eyes.

"Well, I think we can manage that. All you gotta do is rest up today. Tomorrow, I'll show you folks around the village and where you'll be staying." He says, turning to leave.

"Oh, and before I forget," he says, turning back to glance at us. "Would you guys like separate living quarters?"

I opened my mouth to speak but Drew beats me to it.

"No, we'll share," Drew looks at me, "if that's okay with you?"

"Yeah, it's fine." I say, looking at him softly.

"Ok, then. See you tomorrow." The governor cuts in before walking out the door.

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