How dare he...

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Drew's POV

"What did the letter mean by the horrors that you had to face?" Bella says, expectantly.

I was shocked to say the least. I mean I knew it was going to come up eventually but I didn't know she was just going to bring it up like this. How do I break it to her that I was basically sold to the aliens? I mean, I wasn't sold but there was an ultimatum. Me or the death of everyone in the world. I breathe in, then out. Here we go...


Eisenhower's POV

I shuffle through the hundreds of papers that are on my desk. To many letters from the damn war. To many letters from presidents and important people wanting alliances and meetings or treaties. The life of a president. As much as I would love to give this up, I have a duty. Plus the pay is good too. Not that I need it.

Stacks and stacks of paper are hoarding my desk but one sticks out at me. I pick it up and then grab the phone. " Nixon, get in here." I set the phone down and then wait.

Nixon comes in and I show him the paper. He seems shocked but he composes himself instantly.

"What does this mean? What are we going to do?" He says, fiddling with the ring on his finger. He always does that when he gets anxious.

"Call the UN we need to notify as many countries as possible." I say, in a urgent tone.

"Right away, sir." Nixon says, running out of the door. I stare back at the paper. What am I going to do?

Dwight Eisenhower,

We regret to inform you that our last subject did not survive the injections. We need to find a compatible match. One that has strength and is powerful. If you withhold any of your species against us, we will declare war on you and your primitive species. You have 48 Earth hours to reply. We will be in attendance soon. Remember it's one over billions. Make the right choice.

General Xezones of the Guillos Fleet.

'Make the right choice... make the right choice.' It's simple right? Give one up over billions. It's only one person. What would the harm be? One person and we get the alien's protection and technology. That was the deal. They experiment and we get the tech.

Nixon walks back in and shuts the door. He turns to me and has a devilish smile on his face. " I called the UN, sir, but quite frankly they don't need to know about this."

He rushes toward me and just as I was about to ask what he was doing, everything went black.

~~~~~~~~~end flashback~~~~~~~~~

"Vice President Nixon handed me that letter saying that it was from the president himself," I say, thinking back to that letter. " I don't know why it would be me. There are thousands of other trained soldiers who are just as strong, if not more, than me."

           "I can't believe that the president would actually write that." Bella says, running a hand through her hair.  "Can I see that letter again?"

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