Chapter 21

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Bella's POV

      "What are you doing?" A voice says from behind me. I quickly spun around to meet the scariest person in existence. Nix.

        "Uhh.. I-i was just.." I stutter as I stare at him. He folds his arms across his chest and glares at me.

    "Just what? Snooping around in my home? Prying into things you shouldn't?" He snarls, taking a menacing step forward which makes me take a step back. Then, he smirks.

     "You shouldn't have done that, sweetheart." He says, his voice getting lower and lower. I look into his eyes and what once was a piercing grey turns into a inky black with a hint of gold. His skin molts and is replaced with a midnight black shiny armor with gold embellishments. His head grows black horns that have gold twisting to the tip. He was a god. A very angry god. You know when you are so terrified that you try to scream but no sound comes out? That was what was happening to me in this moment.

So this was why Drew was scared. He must have known that I wasn't safe. He must have known the kind of monster Nix was. Oh god! And he's the leader!! Drew must have also known that he was a perv and that he had a creepy shrine of me, right?

I begin to panic as I notice that Nix is changing into a demon like creature. I'm against the closet and he is in front of me. My only options are to stay put or to run like hell. The sides of me are open which means that if I can slide between him and the wall then I can run.

As the rest of him forms into this creature, I find the opportunity to run like hell. What the fuck?! He was ... he was just .... and then he changed to.... WHAT?!

As I reach the door, I feel his inky arms wrap around my waist and then my feet are no longer touching the floor. He squeezes my waist and a wave of nausea rolls over me. Why did I have to eat so many cookies?

He walks with me in his arms to one of the guest rooms, throws me in there and then locks the door shut. All while laughing maniacally.

"You shouldn't have snooped around, love."

Oh god, I think I'm going to throw up.

Nix's POV ( I know a shocker, but why not?)

I came back from "questioning" them, I open the door to my apartment to find my lovely Bella snooping around in my closet.... wait..... MY CLOSET!!!! How dare she go through my stuff?!

With inhumane speed, I am behind her and spin her around. As she looks up at me, she realizes who spun her around and her face contorts into one of panic and horror.

"What are you doing?" I say, gruffly.

"Uhh... I was just..." She says, panicking. Her beautiful eyes are doe like as she looks anywhere but my face. She knows she's caught. I fold my arms against my chest and take a calculated step towards her.

"Just what? Snooping around in my home? Prying into things you shouldn't?" I snap. I am so angry that I could shift right now.

I was always an intimidating creature. I can take on my true form or I can shift into another creature just by looking at them. Just like what I did back in '49. Bella takes a step back, showing her fear. I know she plans on running.

"You shouldn't have done that, sweetheart." I say, before laughing maniacally. I know I sound like a crazy weirdo but I'm not. Am I?, definitely not. Before she can respond, I show her my true form.

While I am shifting, she bolts and tries to make it to the door but I lift her up from her waist before she can leave. She thrashes around a bit but I manage to get a good grip on her. I drag her to one of my guest bedrooms and lock her in.

One day she will love me, I will make her. Until then, she can stay in there and learn not to snoop on other people.


Okay so I know it is not one of my best chapters but my brain wanted to take it into so many different directions. Like I had so many ideas and some of them mashed together while others were left discarded. So rip.

I am uploading this early and will try to update this weekend again. See ya!

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