21.Caught Up

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"Open up this fucking door you weak ass nigga!" I kicked and banged on Cyrus's door. "Fuck you!!" I kicked once more my eyes burning from my tears and finally gave up and stormed off to my car. I was pissed off how bad Cyrus disrespected me. How dare he go attacking me meanwhile Kay looney ass is carrying his child. I needed to get out of there and now.

I sped out of his driveway unsure of where to go I just knew I wanted to go somewhere. I struggled to find my phone in the center console of my car and finally located it. I needed someone to talk to I didn't want to be alone. I knew if I was alone I would only drive myself crazy going over tonight's events and I would take my ass back to Cyrus's house and I knew that wouldn't turn out good for neither of us.

Part of me wanted to go confront Dave for this stunt he pulled. He was trying to make me to be this terrible person to Cyrus, I mean I was in the wrong for talking to him but I really didn't know. If I was aware that it was Dave I wouldn't have kept the conversation going for so long and it probably wouldn't even led to me having sex with him. Cyrus had to be real with himself too though. This wouldn't have been no where as bad as it gotten if it was just Nas.

Although, after tonight I didn't know if I could forgive him. His words stung and I believe when a person is angry they speak their truth and I was glad Cyrus did before things got deeper between us then it already has. I was starting to question if he really truly loved me or if I was just this hoe to him. I fucked up and he did too, it wasn't fair. I punched the steering wheel as I yelled out crying harder. Why me?

I decided to contact Raquel I didn't want to keep putting my issues off on her but I really needed a friend. Someone that genuinely cared about me. I know that she would drop whatever for me although I didn't want her to overwhelm herself while pregnant. Knowing Raquel her ass would be ready to kill Cyrus herself for the way he spoke to me and grabbed me up.

Her phone began to ring and it took no time for her to pick up hearing the sound of her voice I broke down once more. I decided to pull over my car before I got into a accident. I should've known better then to be driving in the condition that I'm in. I struggled to try to explain to her what has happened with me and sounding like a complete fool from crying and trying to speak so fast and she cut me off mid sentence telling me to come see her ASAP.

That's all I needed to hear but before hanging up and making my way to her home. She had left the door unlocked for me that way I could let myself in and she met me at the door embracing me in a hug. I cried and cried and on her shoulder as I let it all out, snot nosed and all. "Aww, my poor sissy. Don't even trip boo eight more months and off with his head." I giggled lightly, she always helped me smile.

We made it into her large living which had a nice sized couch centered in the middle facing her fire place. I plopped down in the middle of the couch resting my head on my best friend lap as she rubbed my head. "I could barely make it out what you were saying over the phone you were crying so hard. I know seeing Kay hurt you but it has to be more to see you so broken like this Monica. Let it out friend, just start from the beginning."

I let out a deep sigh. "Well as you know a few months ago me and Cyrus were good, I mean really good. I was so happy Cal." I sniffled tearing up some more. "We were on really good terms then you know two months ago me and Cy had a falling out. I didn't really want to talk about it but I told you I had a bad night?" She looked off to side as you thought about it.

"Yeah yeah, your ass was all up his ass then me and you were supposed to link up. You curved me and shit but you never let me know what was up. But you know I ain't mind daddy kept me occupied, whew. I can still feel him inside me." She closed her eyes as if she was trying to picture the sex. I sucked my teeth and smirked.

"Cal bitch. Cmon now, I'm being serious." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, okay." She giggled. "I'm just trying to make light of the situation is all, proceed." She said as she sat up straight.

"Welll, that night I was pissed it was cause I bumped into Cyrus's homeboy." I sighed again as she sat there side eyeing me. "Cyrus caught me and the guy outside kissing outside and the plot twist is this guy isn't just Cyrus friend, he's my ex. As well as my first love." I began crying again.

"Noooo Mo, shit girl. That's some deep shit. I know Cyrus was livid. It's not like you didn't know though, he's still holding that against you? Did you cut him off? Who the hell is he anyway? I thought you never even had a real man." Cal quizzed me.

"That's the freaking problem. Me being this fucking hoe that I am I didn't cut him off Cal. At least I thought I did but I seen him again and I let him fuck. The guy had been in prison all this time who knew that I would've even seen him again! Now Cyrus found out and he'll never forgive me" I cried. "How would I know the were boys?"

"Prison??" Cal questioned as she scooted away from me still. "You fucking prison niggas? Nawh not you Mo. I can't believe you fucked him girl, that's raw as hell. Who the hell is this man got you fucking prison dick? Last time I check you was too good, so why the hell why I was left out of this tea?" She sucked her teeth giving me the hand.

 Who the hell is this man got you fucking prison dick? Last time I check you was too good, so why the hell why I was left out of this tea?" She sucked her teeth giving me the hand

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I rolled my eyes once again she can be so damn extra. "It's not like that Raquel. I've known him since foster care, when we fell out he was there. He was there for me with my parents. He took my virginity and he was first real man we didn't have title but the way we were he was mine. His names Dave, you probably don't even know him he just did like five years."

"Daveeee???? Dave who???" She stood up this time staring daggers at me.

I looked at her with a puzzled expression. Why the fuck was she checking for me right now. "Dave Brewster. What you fucking him too or something?" I chuckled. But she only stared me  with the same look I had when I found about Kay and Cyrus.

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