25.The Aftermath

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A year later..

"Brown!" The guards yelled out. The two officers had walked to Cyrus's cell to release him. After a whole year his lawyer had finally gotten him released. His lawyer had gotten his charges wiped and the judge granted it as a justifiable homicide. With the girls statement and the evidence the officers gathered Cyrus would now be a free man. Also including Dave's background in and out system, and Cyrus's clean record it was an easy win.

 Also including Dave's background in and out system, and Cyrus's clean record it was an easy win

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Cyrus smiled hearing his name being called. He knew what time it was since his lawyer had presented him with the big new days before. It had been a long and hard year for Cyrus. Dave's death was bittersweet for him. He mourned for so long knowing he was the one who took his best friend life. Of course Dave did some dirty things but Cyrus knew it was never worth taking his life.

Cyrus was shocked to see Dave be so quick to draw his weapon on him. Cyrus only intended to scare Dave in hopes he'll back off Monica. But at the moment it was either Dave's life or his and he had to protect himself. Cyrus had been appointed to a therapist as part of his release and a year of probation which wasn't too bad. He knew Dave's death had changed him so he was more then willing to see the therapist.

Monica had eventually reached out to Cyrus. It had took a whole eight months but they had talked almost every day since. Cyrus felt as if Monica helped heal him from the situation. Especially it being something that endured together helped them both feel as if they had someone who understood them. They had forgiven each other and had agreed on working they're friendship out and if it lead to them being back together then so be it.

"Up up!" baby Kulture said as stretched out her hands to her mommy Raquel. Raquel smiled at the beautiful little girl who resembled Dave. Raquel had a lot of complications due to stress during her pregnancy. But thank god she was able to deliver a beautiful healthy baby girl.

Raquel had to go to therapy right after the death of Dave having him in her arms die had haunted her daily. Raquel had hated him for hurting her the way he did but at the end of the day they had a child to raise. Rather she would've liked him or not her daughter needed her daddy in her life. She wanted to teach him a lesson but she wouldn't have done it if she knew it would cost him his life. She knew that there was some good in him.

What was now done was done. Raquel had to learn through therapy that blaming herself would only worsen the issue. She had to accept it for what it was and understand that the past is the past for a reason, it's meant to be kept behind us so that we can prepare for the bright future ahead. Kulture was her bright future and it was only right she moved on for her. Raquel had the little girl snuggling her and kissing her nose as she giggled in her arms.

She loved being a mother to her. She remembered being so scared but she had to admit Kulture was what she was missing. So she no longer club hopped how she use to and entertained all these men. She was a mother first and had to learn to grow up a little. She felt that's probably why she couldn't keep a man. She was wild as hell and nobody wants a wild ass woman. They wanted someone grown who carried themselves as a lady and that's why she had Karter now.

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