Chapter 3; The Sports Festival Begins

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This chapter is awful, way too long, makes no sense and I'm sorry but I just need to put it in so we can get to the good parts 😂😂

But seriously, thanks so much and feel free to vote and comment (I don't care if you spam my comments, as a matter of fact I actually love that 😂), alright, thanks and I love you! 😊💖

Felicity POV

And before I knew it, the festival had arrived, bright and sunny. Apparently the place was more tightly packed than usual and most people reckoned that was because of 1-A and the attack on the USJ.

I felt lost in a class full of such powerful students who'd been able to handle a real villain attack while I was someone who just tried to creep through life, unseen and unnoticed. I mean, I had Sho-chan but he'd been so busy these past few weeks. And rightfully so. I wanted him to win this so badly, I wanted him to prove himself so badly so...I'd decided the best thing I could have done was to tell him I was fine and to just keep my distance as much as I could without worrying him. It was only fair. This was his day, I couldn't make it all about me.

Anyway, we were all in our waiting room except Iida, the glasses boy who also happened to be the class rep, and I was starting to feel nervous. I tried to calm myself. I had nothing to be nervous about, I wasn't going to use my quirk, I didn't want to be scouted or anything. As long as I could just blend in, it would be fine.

But what if...

What if someone joined up the dots and found out that I was my mother's child...

Don't think about that, don't think about that, don't think about it. You look nothing like her. No one will find out that you're her daughter.

Bakugo noticed, a little voice in my head reminded me.

Maybe he's not the brightest, I told the voice.

He's one of the best students in the whole class, the voice argued back.

According to who?


Doesn't mean he's got good eyes.

He must if he noticed he'd seen you somewhere before.

Shut up.

"You feeling okay?"

I blinked and looked up from my lap, snapping out of the argument going on in my head. Kaminari, the cute boy with the electrification quirk was smiling at me. I went red and nodded as I looked back down, too nervous to speak. Not about the sports festival, just more....of do you even hold a conversation when you don't know the person? How many if these things do you have to go through until you're considered friends? What exactly is a friend? When do you know someone well enough to deem them your friend? Is it after you exchange numbers? After you meet outside school? It's so confusing. And scary.

Kaminari didn't seem to notice how scared I was of talking to him or anyone for that matter. "I'm starting to get pretty nervous," he sighed with a smile. "Naturally, everyone's going to be looking at our class as we're the one that survived a real villain attack."

The red haired boy who had a thing about manliness, whose name I'd found out was Kirishima, looked up. "Oh, yeah, you're right! I didn't think of that. Everyone will be staring at us. Oh man, now I'm really starting to get nervous!"

Iida suddenly burst in. "Everyone! Get your game faces on! We're entering the arena soon!"

Everyone looked a little panicked and a few people starting taking deep breaths or tapping themselves on the cheeks to get in the zone. I clenched my fists and swallowed. I'd most likely get eliminated practically straight away as I was the only student who wouldn't be using their quirk and since I was in Class 1-A, the other classes would be trying to get me knocked out as soon as possible. I was fine, I had nothing to worry about.

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