Chapter 17; Training

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Felicity POV

With a few minor tweaks, my uncle's place looked exactly the same as it had ten years ago.

It was a wide two story house tucked away safely behind iron gates. Square roofed and white with a modern design, the white stone steps leading up to the front door were lit up by golden lights. The same kind of golden light was also pouring out of the many wide square windows, illuminating the modern fountain placed in the drive and all the different blue hydrangeas that were planted all around the front garden.

It looked just like it had back when I was five, when Papa would take me up there every Sunday so Shizue could work on helping me strengthen my quirk. But even so, I felt like some kind of strange alien when I entered, my white sneakers softly padding on the white marble floor as I followed him and Naima (his bodyguard and assistant). I knew I didn't belong.

But that was okay. I had other places to call home now. So it was okay.

Hugging my Totoro backpack to my chest, I found the courage to ask my uncle about a worry that I'd been tossing around in my mind the entire car journey. "U-U-Um...where's Umi-onee-cha...I-I mean, where's Umi?"

"Hmm..." he hmmed, raising his watery eyebrows in thought. "I think Umiko's at a photoshoot today. Or is it a show? Eh, I'm not really too sure but she's doing something model-y or pop idol-y which means she's getting some sweet, sweet dough."

I stayed silent. I privately thought it was a bit concerning for a father to be so unconcerned with the whereabouts of his very pretty, not very strong, daughter. But then again, maybe it was just weird to me since my own father had dotted on me so much. And besides, she was going to be eighteen in a week or two so maybe it was his way of helping her stand on her own two feet before adulthood.

Anyway, it may have been selfish of me but I was just really, really glad she and her brother weren't going to be there. After what our last interaction had been..I wasn't sure I'd be able to face either of them ever again. Or, at least, not for a very long time.

"I know you said you took care of it but where did you tell your grandparents you were going?"

"I told them I was staying over at a friend from school's house for the night."

He laughed, a light and cheerful sound. "That doesn't sound suspicious at all. Since when do you even have friends? Endeavor's kid doesn't count, your mommy set that up for you-"

"-h-his name is Shoto-"

"-so won't the whole friend thing be suspicious?"

"I...I have friends!" It came out with even more uncertainty than I'd expected.

"Whatever you say but isn't everyone from your school on internships right now?"

"I just said that one was at home recovering from an injury she'd gotten on her internship. They were so happy to hear I had a new friend that they didn't even question it."

"That so? Hmm, I guess that's not too bad. Since when did you get so good at lying, eh?" He grinned at me from over his shoulder as he continued walking forwards. "Hey, speaking of your school, how's it going?"

"It's okay. Aizawa is my teacher so that's nice."

"Aizawa, huh? The name sounds familiar. Isn't that the boy your mother took such a shine to? Ran's little protegee?"

"I'm not sure if he ever agreed to that. The first time I met him, Momma burst into the house, dragging him behind her, saying 'husband and daughter, look at what I found at work today, we're keeping it' and then Papa had to explain to her that kidnapping is not okay no matter how cute you think the victim is. She somehow convinced him to stay for dinner though because I remember hiding under my bed that night and waiting until he'd left."

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