Chapter 16; The Man At The Door

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Felicity POV

I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I couldn't even breathe.

After all these years, I had never once imagined that any of them would come near me again. He might have been different but I still had never even considered that he'd do anything to risk his fortune to come and see me. No one was stupid enough to be willing to do that. he was, with the exact same charmingly sly grin I remembered, standing right outside the place I lived.

"Jeez, these apartments are even smaller than they look. You're really poor now, aren't you? Can't relate but that must suck. Do you have to survive off one meal a day now? Is that why you're all skin and bone?"

I took a little step backwards, my voice sounding as small as I felt. "Wh-What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, of course. Now, aren't you going to invvite me in for a cup of tea? I've been on quite the wild goose chase, trying to find you."

I bit my lip, lowering my eyes as I nervously stepped halfway behind the door. "Sorry but I...I'm not supposed to invite anyone inside when Grandma and Grandpa aren't home."

He laughed, raking a hand through his watery hair. "Oh, come on, I'm not a stranger though, I'm your family!"

"W-Well, yes but..." I took a deep breath and then firmly shook my head. ", you're not." I gave him a wide eyed look. "Don't you remember what Grandfather said? You really shouldn't be here, you'll get into awful trouble all because of me and that's not right-"

"Oh, pish posh, that's all in the past and I only think about the future. Now, are you gonna let your dear old uncle in or not? You wouldn't be so cruel to turn me away, surely? We wouldn't want a big old row and who ha, would we?"

I bit down on my lip, lowering my eyes. My uncle knew just how much I hated verbal fights. Usually, when people are yelling at each other, you can block it out if you really, really try but that's harder to do when you're supposed to be in the fight. And a part of me thought he was right. He was risking so much to come and see me so maybe it would've been cruel of me to shut him out. Now that I'd thought about it, how could I slam the door in his face?

So, I stepped out of his way and he strolled in as if he owned the place, stuffing his hands back in his pockets. I was still too stunned to have any idea of what to do so all I did was just stand there, baffled, as he kicked off his shoes before sweeping the kitchen and sitting room with a glance.

"Sheesh, it's so...quaint, that's what we'll go with. Small and cute." He rested his sunglasses atop his head and gave me a big, charming, cheesy grin. "Just like you."

My grandparents' apartment may have been fairly cramped but I'd never had a problem with it. I like small and cosy places. I like knowing exactly where everything is and always feeling warm. I like being able to hear people chattering in the next room. It consoles me, knowing that they're still here and haven't gone anywhere to leave me behind.

His next words cut through my thoughts. "But also a bit sad and pathetic." Still grinning, he flicked my nose. "Also just like you."

I let out a squeak and grabbed my poor nose with both hands, taking a stumbling step back as he made himself comfortable at the kitchen table.

"So, let's get down to know I came here for a reason. I saw the sports festival."

I continued to look down nervously, afraid to meet his gaze.

"God, what a joke you were! And after all that time I took when you were a kid to train you. You were acting just like my wife when she sees me talking to another woman - so desperate and overly dramatic. I just couldn't stand to watch you fight so stupidly that I turned off the TV. And then turned it back on and rewatched my HD recording to analyze every single detail of your match. And?" He leaned forwards, trying to see my face from underneath my bangs.

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