Chapter 13; Hosu City - Part Two

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Felicity POV

"You have good friends, Ingenium," Stain said as he leapt into the air, swinging a sword. "But they fight like a couple of children!"

"Get back!" Sho-chan yelled, shoving me behind him and creating an ice wall. Everything was happening so fast and I couldn't process it all. Sho-chan's ice wall, Stain's sword flying through the air, it was all going too quickly for my slow brain and then the Hero Killer suddenly grabbed my best friend.

His tongue.

The cut on Sho-chan's cheek.

If he ingested it, Shoto would be down.

My body finally remembered how to fight.

"Get away from him!" I yelled, stepping in front of Sho-chan and pushing him back, the snakes on my head stretching and advancing, eager to bite and attack this murderer. Stain jumped back before having to dodge another ice attack from Sho-chan.

"I thought you promised that you'd run if we ran into the hero killer," he snapped annoyedly as he switched to his left side. "So I'm going to tell you one last time to run. Get more pro heroes to come over here and then find a safe place to hide. Use your wings to escape, I'll take care of this."

I frantically shook my head. "No, no, no, no way, no way, no way I'm gonna do that! I can't just-"

His voice was hard. "You promised."

I clenched my fists, screwing up my eyes as I tried my best to yell. "I don't care what I promise and besides, I had my fingers crossed the whole time so it didn't count anyway! But that doesn't matter, the point is that I...I...I made the mistake of leaving you all alone when you really needed me..." my voice was weak now. "I really thought that you wanted space, I really thought that you wanted me to leave you alone...but that was the last thing I should've done. And I'm really, really sorry for doing that! I didn't...I was...the point is that I'm not going to make the same mistake twice! I'm not ever going to listen to you when you tell me to leave you alone, okay?! Got a problem with that."

"I've already got several."

"I don't care what you say, I'm not going anywhere."

"Felix, don't do-"

I looked at him, my red eyes strong. "You're a better fighter than me so you keep off the hero killer. I'll get the others out of here safely. You can't fight and protect them alone. Let me do just this much."

He didn't answer.

"Sho-chan, I won't engage in combat unless he attacks me, I'll just focus on saving everyone. I'll be careful, I promise and this time I'm not crossing my fingers."

He still didn't say anything as he focused on keeping the hero killer at bay.

But then he spoke, sounding stubborn. "Fine. But be careful."

I didn't need to be told twice. I turned around and held my hand out, creating a big enough amount of snakes to carry Iida and that pro hero Stain had attacked. Their injuries looked serious and they were both too tall for me to carry. But Midoriya's injuries didn't look too bad and he was smaller and less strongly built than the other two. I assumed even I'd be strong enough to carry him just far enough to safety.

"It's okay, you three," I said as I bent down and scooped Midoriya up, my noodle arms struggling but still able to hold him up. "We're all gonna get out of this alive, so just hold on and trust me and-"

"Just stop it."

Iida's pained her furious voice sent a chill through my body.

I stared at him, completely stunned and unable to move, my snakes completely frozen too.

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