Chapter 22; Felicity's Lethal Lunchbox

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All of the following chapter is mostly written and over exaggerated to a ridiculous extent solely for comedic purposes. If anyone takes offense, let me know and I'll rewrite it instantly 💖💖

Felicity POV

"Oh no, oh no, I'm gonna be late for school again!"

"Well, that's what you get for staying out so late last night," Grandpa snapped sulkily.

"Is this really the time for that?!" Grandma screeched, chucking the fridge's contents out over her shoulder as she frantically searched through it.

"So what if it isn't the time?! Felicity should be here when school ends! Not anywhere else!"

"Dear, you're just saying that because she was at a boy's house."

"So what if I am?! We don't know what could have been going on there! Why can't you see the dubious implications of her staying out at a boy's house till dark?!"

"Grandpa, we were just studying!" I wailed as I pulled my pink sneakers on. "None of them see me in that way!"

"But why must you study with boys?!"

"Because Bakugo's the only one who's able to get anything into my stupid brain!" I argued, pulling my schoolbag's pink strap up onto my shoulder. "Okay, I gotta go, love you!"

"But Felicity, you must eat breakfast! And aren't you forgetting something?!"

"Sorry, I don't have time, Grandma! Wait, what am I forgetting?!"

"Your boxed lunch, dear!"

"Oh, right, sorry!"

"Here, catch! And take this yogurt I found in the fridge, you can eat it on your way!"

"Why can't you be a normal anime guardian and give her some toast?!"

"Because we're out of bread, you numpt!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I called out over their arguments. "See you later!"

I dashed out the door and down the apartment building's stairs, ignoring the pain that came from running in my too small pink sneakers. As I ran, my schoolbag bouncing up and down against my side, I struggled to open up the yogurt, wishing that it was a classic anime slice of toast instead. It's really difficult to spoon feed yourself yogurt while sprinting.

"Oh, I'm so sleepy," I gasped, struggling to get both air and food into my body. "Studying is hard, very hard, why can't today be Sunday- woah!"

I tripped over I don't even know what anymore. Curse my awful leg coordination. I fell to the ground, dropping my yogurt in the process.

"Oh no!" I wailed. "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, that was my breakfast! And I'd only taken two spoons of it!"

There was no time to agent attempt to salvage it or to buy something from the convenience store and even if there had been, I didn't have any money. So I just had to grab my fallen bag by the handle, throw the little plastic cup and plastic spoon in the nearby bin and keep going.

To be honest, I'm glad I did. Because if I'd wasted one moment longer, I would've missed registration.


I was sprinting down the hallway to my classroom when I heard Mr. Aizawa say my surname from inside the classroom.

"Nagai?" He repeated before sighing. "Seriously, is she late again-"

I threw the door open, red faced and gasping for breath. "No, please stop, hold it, I'm not late, I'm here now, present!"

"...just sit down."

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