Chapter 9; Clueless

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Felicity POV

"Hey, hey, hey, what do we have here?"

I jumped and turned around. It was Kaminari and Sero. Both grinning madly while Kaminari leant on his friend's shoulder.

Bakugo stormed off. "Later, extras."

Kaminari gave him a look. "That's a bit rude."

Bakugo just ignored him and kept on walking.

I smiled the best I could, going slightly red. Too many people from school. Curse these convenient meetings that only happen in fanfictions. "H-Hi, guys. How are you feeling after yesterday? You both did well. You got into the second round, Kaminari! That's a great achievement!"

"Yeah but my defeat was just too embarrassing. I can't believe Iida pushed me out before I could even do anything. But anyway..." his grin returned. "You two seemed to be having quite the discussion. He actually wasn't yelling for once."

Sero nodded. "Yeah, he wasn't all "die". It was weird."

"So, are you two, like...together?"

I blinked. "Well, Bakugo just left so no, we're not together anymore. Why, did you need him?"

"No, what I meant is are you two like a thing?"

I was starting to get very confused and scared now. I didn't know what they meant and I was worried that if I answered wrong, they'd think I was stupid and tell everyone about it. "W-W-W-Well, I-I'm a person s-so I'm a noun so I'm technically a thing I-I guess."

It seemed like an odd question so I felt like I'd misinterpreted it. And the looks on their faces confirmed my thoughts.

"No, I'm asking if you're going out?"

"Just on a walk."


"I'm going out on a walk."

"With Bakugo?"

"No, he left."

"Wait, so then who's Walk?"

"My walk."

"Why did Bakugo leave?"

"Is he Walk?"

I cocked my head to the side. "I'm confused now."

They exchanged looks before sighing, seemingly exasperation. "You're hopeless," Sero said but he was smiling.

I blinked. "...I...I'm Felicity, who's Hopeless?"

Both boys looked at each other before laughing. "It's nothing," Kaminari grinned. "Also, your hair is nice like that. You should push it off your face more often. It's cute."

Sero rolled his eyes, grabbing his friend by the arm and dragging him off. "Must you throw compliments at every single girl you meet? Come on, let's go." He then smiled at me. "Ignore him, see you at school?"

I blinked before smiling and nodding enthusiastically. "Y-Yeah!" I gave them a little wave. "S...See you at school."


I was lying on the couch with an anpan in my mouth and reading some manga after a refreshing shower when the doorbell rang. I frowned. I wasn't quite sure who it could be. We didn't get visitors all too often.

Multiple terrible possibilities began running through my mind but then one stuck out.

What if...what if they've come to see me...

No. Still not very likely.

I breathed in deeply and sat up, pushing myself up off the couch, taking my anpan out of my mouth and swallowing. I hate answering doors but what if it was something important? And besides, the new me was going to be a normal child and do normal things like answering the door without freaking out.

Still, I activated my quirk, not taking any chances. This was good at least. I had something to defend myself with. It would all be fine.

Don't open it, a little voice in my head urged. What if it's people who found out who you were because of the festival?

No, it wouldn't be. I...I think. I tried to shake the negativity out of my brain. Okay, come Felix, you can do this. Just calm down.

And so, I slowly and carefully opened the door to be greeted pair of grey and blue eyes staring down at me.

I let out a heavy breath of air, deactivating my quirk before fully opening the door and smiling. "Hey, do you want to come in?" I headed into the kitchen, still talking. "I wasn't expecting to see you, I thought you'd be exhausted after yesterday so I don't know if there's anything easy enough for me to make for lunch but you can have some tea if you'd like some. Are you-"

"I just visited my mom."

Instant chaos.

I marched over to him and stood on tip toe to grab the neck of his shirt. "What?! Are you crazy?! But...but...but after all're not serious, are you? You can't be serious, you're not serious-"

He placed his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me away from him and held out a brown paper bag. "I bought you an iced bun."

I slapped the bag out of his hand. "I don't want it! I'm not falling for your tricks, Sho-cha..." I inhaled. "I'm not falling for your tricks, Shoto. You can't just drop a bomb like that and try weasel for my forgiveness by offering me a bun!"

His face remained emotionless. "You didn't call me by nickname, I'm in for it now."

I folded my arms, giving him an expression of "not impressed". He let out a heavy sigh. "Look, we need to talk and there's a lot I need you to try and understand. I know that it'll be hard but will you just...will you just try?"

There was silence before I stepped forward on my tippy toes and gently fingered the scar on the left side of his face. "Sho-chan...she's the one who gave you that scar..." I felt tears filling my eyes and my bottom lip wobbled as I stepped back. "I...I don't think I can ever forgive her for hurting you and leaving you all alone."

And that's when the tears spilled over. I fiercely wiped them away. This wasn't my time to cry but remembering that night always makes me cry.

Remembering Sho-chan's face...

Fresh with tears and a burn scar...

That would make anyone cry.

Sho-chan sighed and squeezed my shoulder. "You're gonna turn back into your old crybaby self now? That's one thing I didn't miss. Don't cry."

"I'm trying," I sniffed. "It's hard."

He did have a point. I used to cry all the time as kids. Anything would set me off. A sad scene in a movie, sad posters, touching stories, confusion, nostalgia, even things that were funny would make me burst into tears.

But after my sixth birthday when it happened, I told myself to never cry again. I convinced myself that I had no right to cry. I suppose that still is true. But Papa wouldn't want me to hide how I'm feeling. He wouldn't want me to build up all these tears and keep them there.

So, there we were. I was my old crybaby self again. "Sho-chan...I...I just don't want you to get hurt again..."

He put his other hand on my other shoulder and bent down to look at me at eye level. "How could I get hurt with you there to fuss over me?"

I giggled lightly and wiped away the last my tears, looking at him. "It's because you don't love yourself enough. So I have to do it for you." I gave a hearty sniff. "Look, I'll try listen to you but I don't know if I'll be able to understand."

"But you'll try?"

I exhaled before I nodded. "I'll try. Now tell me everything."

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