Chapter 19; Felix Can't Study

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Quick note before you start, I'm gonna be extending the timeline of events by a few days/weeks from here until the final exams. It's for the fluff and some og plot so I hope that's okay 😝

Felicity POV

"Okay so I've got around 53 pages of math, 56 pages of English and 50 pages of Modern Literature to learn. I have around four weeks until the final exams start..." I reached for my pink calculator and began punching numbers in. "That's roughly 28 if I divide 28 by 53...0.52830189?! B-B-B-But that's such a big...oh wait, there's a little point in it. So I should spend...half an hour on maths a day? If I spend 30 minutes on maths, I'd maybe get 2 pages done? So..."

I put my calculator down, trying to count with my fingers.

"Monday, two. Tuesday, four. Wednesday, six. Thursday eight. Friday, twelve...but I don't have that many fingers. Is this how maths works? Did I skip a day?"

This wasn't working.

"Okay, Felix, focus! Assuming I study from 4pm to 9pm and then take the rest of the night off, that's, five hours studying!" Reaching for my pencil, I began to write out my study plan. "So let's say the goal will be to get five pages of everything done a day. So...five plus five plus five plus five...wait, how many fives is that? Okay, 50 divided by 5 is 10 and I've got around 28 days and I only have a few more pages of other subjects..." I smiled, writing faster and feeling motivated. "Yeah, this will work! I'll be ready for the final exams in no time! Okay, now it's time to start studying!"

I kept my motivation up until I opened my math textbook and felt a sharp pain shooting through my head at the sight.

I stared at the page, my brain going numb as it tried to make sense of the graphs and "x"s and lines and "f(x)"s before me. They didn't even look like maths problems, they looked more like mysterious codes I had no idea how to crack.

I've never really liked math, mostly because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. It's weird - the more I study it, the less I understand. It's like just thinking about maths eats up half my brain.

I flicked through the chapters we'd done, desperately trying to find something that made any kind of sense to me. I found nothing.

How was I supposed to know what fraction of her money this random girl saved? What even is a quadratic function? Why do imaginary numbers exist, yes you heard me, IMAGINARY numbers. Why would anyone want to imagine numbers?!

I let out a sigh, dropping the book in defeat. "School is hard." I glanced wearing at my clock, my brain aching from those exhausting sights. "I'm so tired...and it's only nine o'clock..."

Letting out a sad little breath of air, turning back to my timetable. "I's not like I didn't get anything done today, I have a nice study plan all ready to go. Yeah, when you think about I really did get a lot done today because I know exactly what I have to do tomorrow and won't have to waste any time deciding what to focus on!"

I gathered up all my textbooks and notes, feeling a little more confident.

"And if I stick with the way this is planned, I'll get all my study done in time with no problem! Yeah, I've got absolutely nothing to worry about, I'll be just fine! And besides..."

I yawned, crawling into bed and reaching for my old pink bunny rabbit, Snuffles. "What's better for the mind than a good night's sleep?"

I smiled to myself, snuggling down under the soft, thick duvet. "Yeah...I can just study..." I was already drifting off to sleep. "Tomorrow..."


I was sorting through my bookshelf of manga when my phone rang.

"Hi, Sho-chan," I replied, keeping the phone in between my shoulder and ear.

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