Chapter 4; The Cavalry Battle

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Okay, I'm really sorry there is some swearing up ahead because Bakugo exists. I still love him though 😝

I forgot to explain this in the last chapter but Nirengeki didn't go through to the next round to make room for my OC and I'M SORRY, I FELT SO BAD, HE'S SO CUTE BUT IT HAD TO BE DONE

Also, this should be the last really boring chapter before the plot and relationship development start to kick in. Yay, we're getting there! And, also, I love you all 😋💖

Felicity POV

Huh? Wait, where was I? The boy who'd brushed against my shoulder was running off. What had just happened?

I looked around and noticed that I was carrying Shinso and there were other groups of people doing the same. The cavalry battle. I remembered that. But how had I gotten here? I didn't remember it starting. Last thing I remembered was Shinso asking if I wanted to be on a team with him. I blinked a few times and looked over at Ojiro. He seemed...sort of off. His eyes were blank and sort of glazed over and he just seemed to be running without purpose, almost like a zombie.

"Ojiro!" I hissed. He didn't respond. "Ojiro!" I hissed again. Nothing.

I saw a team that consisted of Tetsutetsu, the boy with the steel quirk, Shiozaki, the pretty grass haired girl, a cute boy with a bandana and Eren Jäger in his titan form but smaller.

They were all frozen, looking just like Ojiro, like they'd just been hypnotised.

Shinso grabbed Tetsutetsu's headbands and then I noticed Shiozaki's shoulder thumped against Ojiro's.

His eyes widened and sort of seemed to clear and become less dull. He kept on running but he seemed a little confused. So...did that mean it wasn't just me?

What was going on? How had we got here?

Shoto POV

"Only one minute left!" Present Mic trilled. "Todoroki has cornered the ten million point team and is poised to steal the ultimate prize! At least, that's what I would have predicted five minutes ago! Unbelievably, team Midoriya has been able to keep away from the ice master for the last half of the game!"

The ice master? Really?

But he wasn't wrong. Tokoyami's bird was blocking our way to the ten million points. I narrowed my eyes. How to get past it...

Iida took a step forward and the bird looked like it was poised to strike.

"Stay back!" Midoriya yelled.

I gritted my teeth, analysing about the situation.

Midoriya is keeping his distance and staying on the my left side. That's a strategy. From this position, if I try to freeze them, I'll hit Iida. If he keeps moving like this, there's no way I can get a clear shot at his team. Plus, Tokoyami can defend against Kaminari's electricity. There's not much time left. The bastard...

I heard Iida speak. "Everyone, we have less than sixty seconds. I'm gonna do something that will make me useless to you. But it's worth it."

I looked down at him, feeling a little frantic. "What are you gonna do?"

He ignored me and bent down into a running position. "Make sure you get that headband. Brace yourselves...hold on tight!"

There was a loud, high pitched noise of something being heated and a bright blue shone from the back of Iida's calves. What was he doing?


We suddenly shot off like a bullet at a crazy fast speed. What was this?

Remember what Iida said. Just get the headband.

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