Chapter 21; High Five

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A little pre-warning I probably should've brought up sooner but here we've got an OC who's got an unhealthy mindset and much of this story is good old Bakugo trying to understand what made her function in this extremely (if not immediately clear) messed up way and her learning to move past it and start living a healthier lifestyle with a healthier mindset. I'm not gonna promote any of the stuff she says, like "y'all should think more like this girl!" because no, please don't do that,
I love you all too much for that 💖💖

Okay with that said, onward we go xD

Katsuki POV

"Good morning, Bakugo," a dazed sounding voice drawled as they sat down in the seat next to me.

I scoffed, continuing to stare off to the side. "Looks like you're still here."

"It's very nice to see you too."

"Yeah, well, I don't- fuck, what happened to you?!"

"Huh?" Felix said, turning to me and looking gormless.

"Why are you wet?!"

"Ho ho, funny you should ask that, Bakugo," Sparky grinned as he waltzed inside. "Isn't it obvious? It's because I just entered the- wait, woah, Felix, why are you actually drenched?! I thought we were just being dirty but you actually look like a drowned rat!"

I really hated that he wasn't wrong. Her limp brown hair was sticking to her face like glue, little droplets of clear water slipping and dripping down onto her hoodie. Said hoodie which was now a dark shade of blue because of how much water it seemed to have absorbed.

She laughed bashfully. "Oh, that...right...kind of a long story so let's not bother."

"You've got leaves stuck in your hair," Icy Hot commented, pulling one out.

She jumped, whipping around to see him standing behind her chair. "Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Where did you come from?!"

"He's right, you know," the class frog added, pulling another out. "A whole lot of them."

She jumped again, clutching her heart. "You too?! You're both like ninjas! Wait, that's actually kind of cool." She struck a pose, looking excited. "Are you performing a 'Let's Give Felix A Heart Attack no Jutsu' ?!"


"Well, that's a bit of a disappointment."

"Mom, is that you."

"Omigod, don't even say things like-"

"Oh my goodness, are you alright?" Milk Tits gasped, running over and looking concerned. "You're soaking wet!"

Uraraka joined her, eyebrows creased with worry. "She's right! Does anyone have a towel?"

"I think I do!" That damn nerd replied, rummaging around in his bag. "Yeah, here it is!"

I cursed myself for not having one when that little bastard did.

"Thank you, Midoriya," Icy Hot said as he accepted the towel from him before running it through his friend's damp hair. "What happened to you?"

"I, um...I...I...I ran all the way to school so this is a healthy workout sweat glow! Yeah, that's it!"

"You're shivering."

"...with excitement because it's a brand new, beautiful day and I am so ready to get my education!"

"That still doesn't explain the leaves."

"I...made myself a flower crown? But there were no flowers so I...used leaves?"

"Why do both of those statements sound like questions?"

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