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"Haechan, what are doing wearing a carton mask of Lucas?", I ask the young boy standing in front of me.

"Isn't it funny? I printed it right when I got home and came here to surprise you, and mark especially.", He laughs.

"Why?", I look at him with disappointment.

Why is he Like that? Seriously, at this point, I wonder why am I even his friend.

"What do you mean why, to scare Mark!", He says.

"Yeah, whatever.", I tell him and he goes over to Mark's place.

Haechan is always so full of energy. I don't understand where he gets it from.

I go back to my room and continue watching Goblin.


The next day at School :

"Swan, where are you going?", Mark asks.

"To the class", I answer

"Yeah, but the bell didn't ring yet and we have 15 minutes left.", He shows me his phone.

"I know, but I didn't finish my homework last night and the teacher said that she will verify it today.", I explain.


I went fast to the classroom and sat at the same place as every day. I start to finish my homework and after a few minutes, the bell rings and everyone hurries and takes their seats.

As usual, Kun comes and sits beside me.

"Move to another seat.", Someone orders Kun.

It's Lucas, but why does he want Kun to change his seat? What has Kun done?

"No, I sit here since the beginning of the year.", Kun argues.

"The teacher didn't assign us seats, so move.", Lucas says harshly.

"NO!", He replies back.

Lucas takes a deep breath and I can notice his hands turning into fists. I'm scared. What if he hurts Kun like he did Mark yesterday? I really like Lucas, but I also love my friends. I don't want him to bully my friends. Should I say something to him? Luckily, the moment that I decided to step between those two boys, Jungwoo comes and stop Lucas. Jungwoo whispers something in Kun's ear and the Chinese boy accepts to change his seat. I wonder what has Jungwoo told Kun. Seriously, what the hell is going on?

After that the seat beside me got empty, Lucas comes and takes it.

Oh my God! He is just a few inches away from me. I can't stop the fangirl inside me from screaming. I breathe in and out calmly so that the people around don't notice my excitement.

I don't understand. Lucas always takes the back seats, this is the first time he's sitting in the middle.

The teacher enters and the first thing I could notice was his shocked expression as he stares at Lucas with confusion. After a few seconds of silence and blinking his eyes, the professor comes back to reality and starts the lesson.

I want so bad to look at Lucas's beautiful face right now, but I'm scared of him noticing. I don't want him to remember me as a maniac who couldn't stop staring at him.

You know what, I can just take a peek, he won't notice. Lucas has never noticed me, so why would he now. He won't even care if I look at him, he knows that he's handsome and all the girls in our school are crazy about him.

I turn my head a little bit to be able to see his beautiful face. As I look at him, our eyes meet. My heart starts to beat faster than ever.

Was he staring at me?

I look back at his direction and he is indeed watching me with a big grin on his face. This time when my orbs meet his, he smirks and winks at me.



His dark brown orbs were fixed on me during the whole lesson. I was happy that he was noticing me for the first time in the past 11 years, but at the same time it was awkward and I was nervous.

Why is he staring at me like that?

Is he in love with me? Lol nice joke! Why would he like someone like me when he has so many pretty girls around him.

I look at the teacher for the rest of the class so that my eyes don't meet Lucas'.

It felt as if I was about to die from a heart attack, my heart was pounding.

The moment I heard the ring, I hurry to pack my stuff. I'm about to get up when Lucas grabs my wrist.

"Don't leave", he requests.

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