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Mark's POV :

"Swan, I don't want to be rude, but I think you should move on", Haechan suggests the girl, "If he had truly cared for you, he wouldn't have hurt you. "

She just nods at his words with a sad and disappointed expression.

"Maybe he wasn't the one for you, you should forget him", The younger adds as he pats her shoulder.

I don't really know why but after hearing Haechan talk, I feel as if he wasn't talking about Swan and Lucas. I feel like as if he's giving this suggestion more to himself than to Swan. He wants to forget that happened between us. He wants me to stop returning to him if I can't stay by his side. He wants me to stop hurting his feelings over and over again.

Last year, when my parents had gone to Canada during summer break, Haechan and Swan used to stay 24/7. Especially Haechan. He used to be more in my house than his own. At first, everything was normal and we were just two friends. Things changed since the night when we decided to steal alcohol form my dad's small bar that is close to the living room. That night, we got drunk and lost control. We kissed. After that, we were avoiding each other for a few weeks. We were regretting it. But time passed and it happened again and again. Just like that, without realizing, we became each other's addiction.

What is it that I feel for him? I ask myself as I can't stop looking at his beautiful smile. He makes me go crazy. I can't stop thinking about him.

I must have lost my mind. I have a girlfriend. A very pretty girlfriend. I should think about her. I shake my head and remind myself of the reality.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you guy something else", My attention goes back to Swan as she starts to laugh nervously after announcing that she has more to tell.

Just by the way her facial expression, Haechan and I exchange looks, knowing that Swan is about to unveil an important information.

"I'm going to Sori's party with Jaehyun", She reveals in a very fast speed.

"You're what?!", Haechan and I ask at the same time, not sure if we heard it right.

"I wanted to say no but Jaehyun insisted and-", She starts by explaining herself but I cut her off,

"Do you have any idea who Sori is? She's dating your ex-boyfriend".

"Yeah", Haechan agrees.

"I understand guys and believe me, I told the same thing to Jaehyun but after thinking about it I thought why not", She tries to make us see her point of view. "If Lucas can move on so quickly and find a girlfriend, then why can't I go to his girlfriend's party?"

"Yeah, I mean you're right but will you be fine watching them together?", I reveal my concern.

"She sees them everyday at school anyways", The younger boy adds.

"I know, Haechan", I roll my eyes, "But this party isn't at school, it's Sori's house that we're talking about".

The boy gives me a questioning look, so I explain myself, "Since it's going to be her house, she can behave however she wants with Swan".

"Don't worry, Mark, I can take care of myself", She assures me, but I can't help but still be worried for her. I don't know why but I have this feeling that something bad is going to happen. 

[Time skip]

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