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Lucas' POV :

Once again, I am late for school. Last night, after dropping Swan, I went to see Jungwoo and the boys. They had gotten into a fight with some students from another school and I had to back them up. So, I slept very late and now I'm late again.

I'm about to enter the class when my phone rings. I take it out of my pocket and I notice a text message from an anonymous number. I unlock my phone to verify who it was from. As I open the message the first thing that I see is a picture of my girlfriend kissing Taeyong hyung. I can feel my blood boiling as anger runs through my veins. At the same time, I feel my heart breaking into pieces. I want to enter the classroom and ask Swan why did she break my heart like that.

Why? Why did you cheat on me, Swan? Wasn't my love enough for you?

I trusted you. I trusted you more than anyone. But in the end, you were the same. The same as her...


Swan's POV :

My eyes brim with tears as I hear everyone whispering about me. I can feel Kun, who's sitting beside me, staring at me. I can feel his judging eyes on me. He doesn't say anything, but I know he thinks like everyone else too. Kun is the type of person who would never interfere in someone's business or gossip about anyone. He is one of the nicest people that I know, but today even he's judging me.

During the whole class, I look straight toward the projector screen and try not to blink to prevent my tears from falling.

As the bell rings, I hurry and leave the classroom. I rush towards Lucas' locker. He isn't here and instead, I see Ten. The Thai boy frowns at me and says "How could you do this to him?"

"Look, it's not what you think. Where is he?", I say while looking around for Lucas.

"What do you mean it's not what I think?! We can clearly see you and Taeyong kissing!", he scolds me.

"I didn't-I mean yes I did, but I was drunk", I sigh.

Ten stares at me confusion.

"Wh-what are you talking about?", the boy asks.

"I will explain everything, but right now, can you just please tell me where's Lucas?", I beg.

"Actually, I don't know either. I haven't seen him since this morning."

"There's a fight in the gym!", a student exclaims and everyone hurries to watch it.

Ten and I exchange looks and run toward the gym as well to find Lucas.

We have guessed it right, it's a fight between Lucas and Taeyong.

"WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE IF I KISSED HER, HUH?", Taeyong questions as he punches the taller back.

"SHE IS MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND YOU ASSHOLE!", Lucas shouts as he fights back.

"Girlfriend?", The red-haired boy chuckles, "did you forget or what? Should I remind you? You dated her just to take revenge on Mark!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!", Lucas yells.

"Why?", Taeyong looks amused, "No way! While pretending, did you actually fall in love with her?"

Lucas suddenly gets more aggressive and starts to beat Taeyong with more force.

Finally, Johnny and the other boys go forward and try to stop the two boys. The teachers also arrive and stop the fight.

[Time skip]

Lucas and Taeyong are now in the principal's office and all the students go back to their classes.

Finally, the third period bell rings and it's the lunch break. I walk to my locker, avoiding all the glares. As I arrive, I see Mark putting his books in his locker. When he finishes, he closes his locker and turns around. Our eyes meet and as I see him, my eyes become full of tears again. Right now, my orbs are trying to communicate with him, trying to tell him everything that my mouth can't. He takes a few steps towards me and my tears start to run down on my cheeks.

"Mar-", I open my mouth to say his name when he ignores me and passes by.

I grab his wrist with both of my hands.

"Mark", I call his name with my trembling voice.

He turns around and looks at me.

"Please. Don't leave. I need you.", I beg.

He seems sad seeing me in this state, but then, suddenly, the look in his eyes changes. It's as if he has no emotion.

"And where were you when I needed you?", The Canadian boy asks coldly.

I'm surprised by his cold glare. In the past, no matter how much we fought, we were always there for each other, but today... I stare at him puzzled, trying to find the Mark that I know, my best friend, the cute boy who used to play with me when we were kids, but all I can see is this new cold hearted Mark in front of me.

"You know what-", He starts to speak again, "You're very selfish and a hypocrite. You were judging me for cheating on Minah while you were doing the same thing."

He frees his hand from my grasp and walks away.

What happened? I'm left wondering in the school corridor.

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