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I'm standing in front of Mark's house. I feel nervous not knowing how to explain my feeling for Lucas to Mark. I take a deep breath in and out before clicking on the white doorbell. I wait and hope for Mark to open the door so that his parents don't notice our awkwardness, but of course, my wish never comes true.

"OMO~, SWAN~", Mrs. Lee opens the door and exclaims with excitement.

"Hello, Mrs. Lee. how are you?"

"Oh, stop calling me Mrs. Lee! How many times should I have to tell you to call me auntie? Your mother and I are like sisters", She expresses.

"Sorry, Mrs-", I bite my tongue and correct myself, "Auntie Lee"

"Now that's better", The lady smiles at me as she lets me in, "And I'm good dear, how are you and how is your mother?"

"I'm alright", I hesitate before answering since I was a bad liar.

"And mom is good too", I smile.

"How was the kimchi? did you like it?", She asks.

Oh shit, kimchi! I guess Mark didn't tell her.

"I-it was very delicious", I reply with an awkward smile.

"Really?! You liked it that much?", Mark appears and asks with sarcasm.

Was he here all this time? And he left me purposely in this uncomfortable situation. Aghh... I hate him.

Luckily, Mrs. Lee doesn't notice the death glares that Mark and I are giving each other and leaves us kids alone as she goes to the kitchen to prepare some green tea. The moment his mom leaves, Mark avoids me again and goes back upstairs to his room. I angrily follow him.

"Mark", I whisper-shout.

"I don't wanna talk to you, Swan! Go away!", he informs me harshly.

"I'm sorry, okay?", I apologize, not wanting to fight.

"For what?", the boy glares at me.

"I don't know... for making you upset?", I shrug my shoulders.

"Really? You have no idea why I'm mad?!", he asks as his tone increases with each word.

"I'm sorry that you don't like him, but don't you think you should at least try to understand my feelings?"

"Swan! That guy punched me in the gym in front of everyone and today if Minah and I aren't together, it's because of him."

"Yeah, he punched you because he loves his sister and the reason that you and Minah aren't together is because you guys lied to him about your relationship", I argue back.

"Are for real? Are you really going to take his side?", The Canadian asks with disappointment.

"I'm not taking anyone's side-",

"You know what? Just go home, I don't wanna talk to you. He brainwashed you."

"Why can't you just accept him the way I did Minah?", I question him as my eyes start to get glossy.

"Because-", He starts, but then stops immediately.

"Because what?!"

"He's not good for you", He sighs.

"How can you know he's not good for me?"

"Swa-", Mark starts to speak, but I cut him off, "Look, I'm sorry for not listening to you and I know you don't like him, but I really like him"

"But he will break your heart", the boy argues.

"Then just let him do it. If it's a mistake then let me make my own mistakes and learn from it", I continue as my tears start to fall on my cheeks.

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