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Four days have passed now since we received our history project. Lucas still hasn't contacted me to decide when he wants to start working on it. The last two times I texted him, he said, "Not now, I'm busy with my basketball matches". I understand that sports are important to him, but good grades are important to me, especially now with college applications. All of this is stressing the shit out of me. We have only ten days until the deadline and we haven't even decided on which era to choose.

Since the beginning, I knew he wasn't serious about the assignment, but at least at the time, I thought that he wanted to spend some time with me, to clear things between us. Now, I'm scared he might do nothing and I'll be obligated to do all the work.

I know why he's acting this way. He thinks that I can be convinced effortlessly and that I'll forgive easily. This time, I'll play hard to get. Even if he successfully persuades me, I'll act colder to give him a lesson for all the stress he's caused me to have.

As I close my locker, I jump out of surprise because of Lucas' face that suddenly pops in front of my eyes.

"I almost got a heart attack!" I exclaim as I place my hand on my chest to calm my beating heart.

"Yes you're right, this handsome face could kill a lot of people, I shouldn't surprise people like that." He smirks while pointing at his face.

I swear sometimes I wish I had his confidence, but then again he isn't wrong about his looks. He's extremely handsome. I'm just basic, maybe if I was very beautiful, I'd have been confident too.

I just roll my eyes at him and concentrate back on what's important.

"Good that you're here, we need to talk about the project", I tell him.

"Yeah, I was thinking about starting it today." He answers, letting me know that he has the same thoughts.

"We can't do it today, the library closes at 4 PM on Friday and it's already 3:50 ", I remind him of the library schedule that I'm sure he doesn't know about because he has never even visited it.

"It's okay, we can go to my house and there's no one to bother us." He proposes.

I know for a fact that most of the time, Lucas' parents are on business trips, so, the thought  of being alone with him makes me flustered.

"No, we can't!", I literally shout, not realizing how loud my voice is.

"Why not?", He questions, perplexed by my sudden rejection. "Is it because of Minah?", He queries. "If it is, then don't worry, she'll be at her friend's place anyway." I know Lucas is trying to console me, but now, knowing that we're going to be completely alone makes it even worse for me.

I feel blood rushing to my face and I'm probably redder than a tomato.

I try to search for excuses to avoid going to his house, but at the same time, this assignment is too important, we must start it. So, I accept to go to his house with him.

Riding the bike with him again reminds me of how much I had missed the feeling of the perfect combination of his warmth and the cold wind playing on my skin. I had missed how the coldness would send shivers down my spine, how the fast the speed would scare me, and how his warm body and his relaxing sent would make me forget back everything. It makes me feel like nothing else matters. All that is important is that we are here, together.

Lucas stops his motorcycle in the parking of a beautiful house that I'm guessing is his. After observing his house from the outside, I can understand why his parents are always busy with work. It's not as big as Chenle and Sori's house, but it still looks quite expensive.

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