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The bell rings, which means the lunch break is over and I have to get out of the restroom and go to my class. I don't even know how much time I stayed here. In the past few minutes and even right now, I'm receiving message texts from Lucas. He's concerned and wondering why am I in the washroom for such a long time. I want to reply to him and tell him I'm fine, even though I'm not, but I can't, my body is numb. I can't move.

I wipe my tears away and wash my face with cold water to make my red puffy eyes go back to normal. because of the tears that were running on my face. I couldn't let anyone see me in this state.

[Time skip]

When I feel the blood circulating back in my body, I text Lucas to let him know that I'm fine. He quickly replies back by bombarding me with questions.

XUXI 🍣😍 : where r u???

XUXI 🍣😍 : what happened?

XUXI 🍣😍 : y were u gone for such a long time???

XUXI 🍣😍 : y werent u answering my texts??

XUXI 🍣😍 : did someone say anything to u?????

I don't know what to tell him. Right now, my mind isn't working. So, for now, I decide to just ignore his texts.

After a few minutes, when I'm sure that everyone left, I get out of the restroom. I quickly go toward my locker to take my stuff and go home. Luckily, the school is empty, all the students and teachers are in their classes. So, no one notices me. I finally arrive at the front door of the school and I'm about to leave when suddenly someone grabs my wrist.

"Where do you think you're going like that?", I hear that person say.

I know who the owner of this familiar voice is, it's Lucas. I wonder why didn't he go to his class. I slowly turn to look at him. His facial expression is very serious and angry.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you even have any idea of how worried I was-", he starts to yell at me, but after seeing my puffy eyes, He stops himself. I think he realized that I cried. His facial expression changes and his tone softens.

"D-did you cry?", He queries.

"I don't feel well, Lucas, can you please let me go?", I request, avoiding to meet his gaze.

"Well...too bad princess, I can't let you go."

I stare at the young boy with confusion.

"Let's go. I will bring you somewhere nice. It will make you feel better", He softly smiles as he grabs my hand and makes me walk out of the school with him.

"Where are you taking me, Lucas?"

"Somewhere special princess", The Chinese winks.

Without saying anything else, I follow him. As usual, we ride his motorcycle. Perhaps, this is going to be the last time I can be this close to him. Tonight, I will tell him about what happened at Jungwoo's party. Tomorrow, I don't know what will happen to us, but today, I want to live every moment and feel every second with him. I'm just scared that I will be invisible to him once again. I'm scared of becoming a faded history. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tighter as my tears started to fall once again on his shoulder. 

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