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Lucas's POV

"Your phone has been buzzing for the last 30 minutes." Minah remarks as I was too busy with my PS4.

I pause the game for a moment to check my iPhone. I see a bunch of texts and missed calls from Swan and I remember that we had planned to finish our history project today. Since it's Saturday, I had told her that instead of taking the bus, I'll pick her up.

"Oh shit! I completely forgot!" I yell to myself.

"Not a surprise", The younger comments.

"Shut up Minah", I say as I get up, searching my pockets for my keys.

"Why are you mad at me? You were the one who forgot", She pouts.

"Alright, stop talking and help me find my bike keys", I tell her.

While my sister and I are busy looking for the keys, I text Swan, telling her that I'm on my way.

We explore the whole house and in the end, Dorota, our housekeeper, finds it for me as she notices me and Minah running around. She's the best, she can always find everything so fast, as if she's a magician. I don't know what would have we do without her.

[Time skip]

It has been 10 minutes now since I'm waiting in front of Swan's house. In the phone texts, she had told me like an hour ago that she was ready and now I don't know what is taking her so long.

She finally comes out of her house. She's as pretty as ever, but something seems different. Her hair. She didn't tie her hair up today.

"Are you going to ride this during winter too?", She asks, pointing to my motorcycle.

No, hi, hello? Yes, that's how we talk now since we're friends. It's great that just in a week, we have gotten this close. Therefore, I feel like she treats me like Mark and Haechan, and I don't like that. I love the fact that now we're more comfortable around each other, but sometimes, I'm scared that I might have entered the friend zone.

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?", I look at her, puzzled.

"What's wrong?!", Her eyebrows elevated in shock, giving me the 'are you serious look' as she speaks. "It's winter!"


"You're lucky that it hasn't snowed yet, but what if it snows in mid-road while you're riding it? And also, it's too cold to ride a bike."

"Don't worry, I check the weather before going out", I tell her to relax. "And it's not that cold, you just have to wear warmer clothes."

Suddenly, I feel small raindrops on my skin. I think Swan felt it too because she also looks up to the sky. Unfortunately, nature has decided to not support me. It's actually not rain but snow. Snow flurries begin to fall from the sky. All of a sudden, the blue sky has turned white. The sun is still present, but it's not as bright as it was just a minute ago. The clouds are blocking it.

I nervously glance at Swan, waiting for her to tell me 'I told you'. Luckily, she's too busy admiring the snowfall. She blinks as the frost patiently kisses her face. The ice crystals shine in her hair like diamonds. She seems pure like an angel. She shines like an angel from heaven.

"What are we going to do now?" Surprisingly, instead of scolding me, she innocently worries about the situation.

"I guess it's not that bad...maybe we can still go-", She stares at me with horror, so, I quickly change my sentence, "or we could call a taxi".

"You know what, let's just study at my place since we're both already here", she proposes.

She doesn't even wait for me to accept her proposition as she hurries back inside.

I'm hesitant to follow suit, remembering my last encounter with her mother. Even if things are different between me and Swan, I know for a fact that parents don't forget and forgive easily those who hurt their children. At least that's how my past experiences have been with the parents of my ex-girlfriends.

I push my thoughts aside and I follow the girl in her house, hoping that a miracle happens and her mother doesn't recognize me.

"My mom isn't home, so, we can study at the dining table", She says as she removes her coat and hangs it in the closet close to the entrance.

Relieved by the fact that I don't need to face her mother, I let out a deep breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

Swan helps me hang my jacket and then we go to the dining room.

"I'll bring some snacks and water", She informs me before going to the kitchen that is just beside.

While she's collecting everything delicious that she can find in the fridge and in one of the cabinets where I guess they keep cookies and candies, I watch her from the other side of the open wall, smiling to myself foolishly at how cute looks. The more I focus on her, the more beautiful she becomes. Until today, I never knew that just a glance at someone could make me this happy.

When she passes by a specific counter, I remember our first kiss. It happened here in her house, in her kitchen. At that time, I hadn't planned to kiss her. If that day she hadn't fallen in my arms, I wouldn't have ever known I desired her lips. When I asked her out, I hadn't planned to fall for her, but I did. Maybe it's destiny.

The moment she looks back, I shift my gaze back to my phone. She's making me feel shy. Usually, the power of making people blush was mine. This time, she has the power. She's the ruler of my heart.

"I hope you like these", She says as she puts everything that she has found.

"Yes, I do. Thanks." I reply.

She takes her stuff out of her bag and sits by my side since I haven't brought anything with me. We had planned to study at my house and now because of the weather, we can no longer do that. She places her laptop in the middle so we can both see the screen.

Our hands touch when we both attempt to correct an error. My whole body tingles at her touch. She quickly removes her hand and lets me correct it. I'm disappointed as I can't feel her warm hand on mine anymore, but at the same time happy when I see her flustered face. I know she still likes me, but she wouldn't admit it so easily this time.

A/N : 10K reads!!! Thank you so much 💖💘🌱💚🌱💓💚💗💖🌱💚💚💘💞💚💕💖

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A/N : 10K reads!!! Thank you so much 💖💘🌱💚🌱💓💚💗💖🌱💚💚💘💞💚💕💖

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