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Swan's POV

Lucas and I stay in silence next to each other, correcting our text while the snow continues to fall heavily outside the window. The only words we speak to each other are about the project.

The sudden ring of the phone makes me and Lucas jump. Our heads follow the sound that is coming from the living room.

"I'll check it", I tell him and he nods.

As I get up, I notice out of the window that the ground has turned all white. It snowed more than we had expected, and it still falling.

"Hello?" I answer the house phone.

"Swan, why weren't you answering your phone?" I hear my mother's concerned voice from the other side of the phone line.

"Sorry, I was studying."

"You're home?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask back.

"Good", she sighs with relief. "Because of the unexpected snowfall roads are closed, so, tonight I will stay at grandma's." She explains. "Be careful and check that you've locked the door."

"Ok, I will."

My mother continues lecturing me about being cautious. She tells me to not forget turning the stove off after cooking, locking all the windows, etc. In the end, she just gives up on me as she tells me to go to Mark's house instead of staying at home all by myself, and then she hangs up.

When I return to the dining room, I notice Lucas standing in front of the window. From this view, I can't help but fancy his arrow straight back and his broad wide shoulders. Even though he's fully clothed, his back muscles are very noticeable. We can tell that he takes good care of his body and he works out a lot. I just want to run and back hug him.

Since I can't see his facial expression, I wonder what he is watching so thoughtfully, what is he thinking about. Is he thinking about me? Or is he just watching the white crystals falling from the sky?

I slowly approach him to see outside the window as well, to see what he's so focused on.

There's nothing. Everything is just white. It seems so magnificent, yet so empty. I guess it's like our relationship. We're so close, yet we're far away.

When Lucas notices me at his side, he looks at me and I glance back at him. He has a soft gentle smile on his face.

Don't look at me like that, I might fall even deeper in love with you. I want to yell as his beautiful smile melts my heart.

"You know there's a saying — if you confess or watch the first snow with someone, your love will be fulfilled." He breaks the silence as he stares back outside.

I look at him, astonished, wondering how he knows about this myth. Usually, girls are the ones with knowledge about romantic stuff.

"Why? Were you hoping to watch it with someone else?" The taller questions after seeing my surprised reaction.

"No, that's not-", I forget to continue talking because of his lustful glare that makes my heart race.

He doesn't wait for me to finish my phrase as if he knows why I'm unable to speak. "Will you go out with me?", He asks. "This time for real." 

My heart that was insanely throbbing just a second ago freezes. It feels as if the whole universe has stopped, waiting to hear my answer. I want to scream yes, but I had promised myself to not rush things this time.

"I'm sorry. Maybe it's too soon to ask you that", He says, turning back towards the window when I don't respond.

No! Don't let this moment go. Don't let him go. An inner voice in me panics and tells me to confess back who I feel.

The time that had stopped is now running so fast that I can't even think properly as I grab the boy's cheeks and I stand on my tiptoes, placing my lips on his.

Even though my eyes are shut, I can tell by his stiff lips that my action has taken him by surprise. To be honest, I've also chocked myself. Now, I don't want to move or to open my eyes. I can't face him out of embarrassment. I hope that he'll kiss me back or hold me, or even push me away, but he does nothing. He just stands like a statue, which makes me even more anxious. I know he's doing this purposely. He enjoys my frustrated reaction.

When I break the kiss and look at him, I realize that his cheeks have turned all pink. He didn't move because he was shy. He's blushing.

I can also feel the heat growing in my cheeks as he still doesn't say anything. The silence starts to make everything even more perplexing.

"Let's...continue working on our project", I say trying to change the awkward air.

Lucas clears his throat, "Yeah".

Seriously what is his problem? He asked me out first and when I kissed him, he pretends as if nothing happened?! In my mind, I silently express my annoyance at Lucas.

"Was that a yes?" He questions after a few minutes.

I internally facepalm.

"No", I reply and his bright face turns sad. "Lucas, if my answer was no then why would I kiss you?"

His mouth forms an 'O' and he starts to laugh at himself for not realizing.

[Time skip]

Same as my mother, Lucas can't go back to his house because of the snow. So, he'll be staying here tonight.

Since neither I or Lucas is a good cook, we made some ramen together for supper. After eating and cleaning, we put on a movie. I place the popcorn bowl between us on the couch so we both can reach it easily. While my eyes are focused on the TV, I feel Lucas placing his arm around me. He used the famous yawning trick. I keep my eyes on the screen as I smile to myself.

[Time skip]

I spend the night tossing and turning around in my bed as the thought of Lucas being just in the room next to mine, the guest room, makes me nervous. It's freezing cold outside, but the temperature in my room feels like a hot summer day. I wonder if Lucas is able to sleep.

I don't realize when but probably around 3 AM my eyes shut and I sleep like a baby. Well, not exactly like a baby because I didn't wake up three times in the middle of the night crying.

In the morning when I open my eyes, the first thing I see is the digital alarm clock on my nightstand. My eyes widen at the time. It's already 1:05 o'clock, I panic and I swiftly get up. The first thing I do is check the guest room. It's empty. I wonder if Lucas has left and if my mother is home. My anxiety increases at the thought of my mom seeing Lucas. I rush downstairs to find my mother watching the TV.

"Didn't I tell you to not stay alone and go to Ms. Lee's house?" This is the first thing she says to me and I let out a sigh in relief knowing that she didn't meet Lucas.

"I didn't realize when I fell asleep", I respond.

When I go back to my room, I check my phone and I see a message from Lucas. He woke up early this morning and he was worried about my mother coming home, so, he left. He didn't wake me up because he didn't want to disturb me.

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