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While I'm still standing like a statue in the same place where Mark had left me, every passing student stares and gossips about me. At this moment, I want to become invisible. I want to cry out loud, but I can't. I just stay still and look at the ground.

"Hey", I hear a familiar soft voice. It's Haechan.

I look up at the boy and smile sadly, "Hey".

"Wanna eat with me today?", Heachan asks while smiling brightly.

"I would love to, but I don't think I can go to the cafeteria... Also, you will feel uncomfortable too if people keep staring at us-"

"Who told you I wanted to eat the cafeteria's disgusting food?!", the young boy gives a disgusted look. "We're eating out", he grabs my hand and starts to walk.

[Time skip]

At the restaurant :

"Haechan-", I start to speak.

"Hm?", the boy moves his attention from his food towards me.

"I-I'm sorry, because of me you and Mark-", I try to apologize for what had happened that day after the party at his house, but he cuts me off, "You don't need to apologize for that".

"Actually, I have to thank you for what happened that day. If it wasn't for you I would have never known that I was just a mistake to him", Heachan sighs.

"You know he didn't mean that?"

"I don't care, Swan. I don't care about what he meant or what he didn't. All I know is that he broke my heart", the younger expresses his feelings.

"Come on, Haechan! You guys are best friends, you can't just let your friendship end like this", I try to convince him to patch up with Mark.

"Swan, please! Let's not talk about this now", he suggests and takes a big bite of his chicken burger.

I nod and eat my food, not wanting to be pushy. I don't want to annoy him. I don't want to lose him too... like Mark.

[Time skip]

We're back on our way toward school when Haechan starts to talk about what the whole school was talking about.

"So... how-I mean what-you and-", He tries to ask nicely, not wanting to hurt me.

"Me and Taeyong", I say, knowing exactly what he wants to ask.

"Yeah", he murmurs, embarrassed.

"I don't know either", I exhale.

"That picture was from Jungwoo's party. I was drunk and I don't remember anything", I explain my side of the story.

Haechan stares at me a few seconds without blinking, trying to process what I told him.

"Yeah, I remember that day, we lost you for a moment and then when we found you back you were laying drunk on the couch blabbering about something.", The boy finally speaks after a few seconds of silence.

"Then does this mean Taeyong hyung took advantage of you being drunk?", He wonders.

"I don't know. I don't know that Taeyong guy, so, I can't say if he's a creep or not. I mean, yes, he kissed me while I was drunk, but what if I asked him to do it?"

"Swan, I think you should talk to Lucas."

"No shit, Sherlock", I blurt out of frustration, but then quickly apologize as soon as I realized that I'm being mean and he's just trying to find a way to help me.

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