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"S-W-A-N", I hear someone say my name in slow-motion.

I tried to open my eyes. At first, everything looks blurry, but then my vision slowly clears. The first face that I see is Lucas', he seems worried. I look around and realize that I'm laying on Lucas' lap. Then I suddenly notice a circle of people surrounding me. I can see Mark, Minah, Haechan and all the other boys staring at me with worried expressions.

"Are you okay?", Lucas asks as he caresses my cheek.

"Y-yeah", I try to get up and sit.

Jungwoo hands me a glass of lemonade, "drink it. It's good for hangovers."

I take the glass from his hand with a puzzled look.

What does he mean by hangover? I wonder. I don't remember drinking alcohol.

"Yah! If your alcohol tolerance isn't good, then why could you drink so much?", Haechan asks me with an angry tone.

It's cute, this is the first time I'm seeing him concerned for me.

I smile a bit, but he gets angrier and shouts "Yah! Is this a joke to you?! Don't you know how worried we were? Aish! JINJJA! you-", The young boy rolls his eyes and is about to add something, but stops because of the death glare the Lucas is giving him.

I ignore the two boys and take a sip of the lemonade before speaking, "I didn't drink any alcohol that I know of... I don't know what you guys are talking about. I have no idea how I got drunk".

After finishing my phrase, the room becomes silent for a moment as they all look at each other and then turn back towards me.

"Did you drink the apple juice?", Lucas asks and Mark speaks at the same time, "It's because of the apple juice".

"Y-yes, and it was really good", I answered Lucas awkwardly.

"What do you mean it's because of the apple juice?", I question the Canadian boy.

"Aish! Doyoung hyung, I told you to tell people that the apple juice contains alcohol", Lucas said angrily.

"The apple juice is mixed with alcohol and that was what I wanted to tell you, but the boys dragged you before I could even warn you", Mark explains.

"Yah, stop shouting! My job was to bring alcohol, not to tell everyone what the apple juice contains or not", Doyoung yells back, annoyed.

I'm surprised to see Doyoung here, he's so different from how he's in school. He's like the perfect student during school and now... he's drunk. Very drunk.

"SORI~ wait for me baby", the drunk boy says lovingly and follows the beautiful Chinese girl.

"I don't understand the boys who like my sister", Chenle glares at Doyoung with disgust.

"Your sister is-", Jisung was about to say something when Yuta interrupts and say "Hot".

Chenle gives the Japanese boy a disgusted look.

"What? It's true. You just can't see it because she's your sister", Yuta says in his defense.

The Chinese boy rolls his eyes and walks away.

While all this drama is going on, I silently drink my lemonade.

Then, suddenly, I remember about going home before 10 PM.

"What time is it?", I ask Lucas.

He takes his phone out of his jeans pocket and verifies the time, "12:30 PM".

"OH MY GOD!", I exclaim, "I'm late, I have to go home!! My mom- my mom will be so mad! What to do?!", I cry while Lucas just stares at me with his round big orbs, not knowing how to calm me down.

"It's okay I called your mom", Mark assures me. "I told her that you broke your phone and that's why you couldn't answer it. Also, I told her that we will be staying at Haechan's place".

"That's a great idea", My heartbeat finally goes back to normal and I exhale a heavy breath, but then I remember about the scene that I created in front of Lucas and feel embarrassed.

"But now I have to break my phone to make her believe your story", I tell him sarcastically.

"Don't worry, that job is already done", Haechan shows me my broken phone with a big grin on his face.

"WHA-", my jaw drops and my eyes widen.

"I can't believe, you actually broke my new phone", I stare at him with disbelief.

"What?! We had to make your mom believe in Mark's story", The boy shrugged his shoulder and doesn't care much about my emotions.

"I WILL KILL YOU LEE DONGHYUCK!", I give him a death glare and run after him as he starts to run away from me.

We both run like Tom&Jerry for a couple of minutes and for a moment, I totally forget about the people around. I chase Haechan like a little kid, but then I remember Lucas' presence and I get shy. I stop running and sit back on the couch beside Lucas while avoiding his gaze.

"You're so cute", Lucas laughs and pinched my cheek.

I can feel myself blushing and turn red.


A/N : Next chapter is full of drama...🍵🍵🍵


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