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"So, you're the one?", Lucas starts the conversation.

"Excuse me?", I question with a puzzled look.

"You're his new girlfriend", He explains.

I don't get it, is he asking me or confirming that I'm someone's, I don't know who's, girlfriend.

"What? Who... Who's girlfriend?", I raise my eyebrows and blink my eyes multiple times while having a puzzled look plastered on my face.

"That asshole's girlfriend!", The tall boy exclaims.

Wow, Lucas, I like you a lot, but you're very bad at explaining.

"I'm asking you something! Are you Mark's girlfriend?", He makes me snap out of my thoughts.

Oh, so that was a question... Wait...What? Me, Mark's girlfriend?!

"WHAT?! NO! Mark is like a little brother to me.", I explain in a very loud tone.

Lucas looks blank for a moment. He stares at the floor for a few seconds and then raises his head and starts to laugh.

I'm so confused right now, I have no idea what the hell is going on. I stare at him all confused. Seriously, I really don't understand this boy.

"It's good that you're not his girlfriend, but tell your little bro or whatever the fuck he is that I will make his life hell for making my sister cry", he warns me.

"I understand that you love your sister, but don't you think that you shouldn't interfere with her love life.", I point out.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do", he harshly replies.

"I know that you're a big boy, but how do you think she will feel knowing that you're messing with Mark.", I try to explain, but he just rolls his eyes and leaves without saying a word.


During lunchtime, I went to my locker to meet Mark and Haechan. The three of us always eat lunch together, even though they are a grade lower than me. I actually don't really have lots of friends in my grade, there are just some people to whom I talk to.

Haechan was already there waiting beside Mark's locker.

Since Mark isn't here, I take my time to put my books in my locker.

"Where is Mark?", I asked Haechan.

"I don't", he answers with an annoyed expression.

"Did you guys fight agai-", I'm about to finish my question when Haechan shouts "are you serious?!".

I turn around to see what is going on. It's Mark, with a girl. They are holding hands.

Mark looks very happy with her. I wondered who she is and what if Lucas finds out about this.

Is he dumb or what? How can he start to date another girl just after breaking up with Lucas' sister?!

"Swan, this is my girlfriend, Minah, and Minah, this is Swan.", he introduces us.

Mi...Lucas' sister!!

"You guys are back together?!", I exclaim.

Mark looks at Minah and smiles.

"Did you tell your brother about this?", I ask Minah.

"What?", The young girl looks at me blankly.

"She's in the same class as Lucas and she knows about the fight", Mark explains the situation to his girlfriend.

"You can't tell oppa about this, okay? Promise?", she quickly grabs my hand.

"I won't tell him anything. I mean, I can't rat out my friend, but Minah, you have to tell him about all of this", I suggest to her.

"I will, but please for now don't say anything", she looks at me with her round puppy eyes.

I sigh and accept her request. I won't tell Lucas about this, because I don't know what his reaction is gonna be, I'm worried about Mark. I don't want him to get hurt...

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