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After long hours of crying and apologizing, Mark and I go back to our houses. Like always, the house is empty. I wash my hands and grab a snack. After eating like a pig, I take a warm hot shower to relax and I change into my comfortable soft pyjamas. As soon as I get out of the bathroom, I hear the doorbell ringing non-stop. I can already guess the identity of the person even before opening the door because of his impatience.

"Mark how many times have I told you not to ring the doorbell so many times?", I say as soon as I open the door.

"Sorry, I thought you didn't hear it", He replies and comes in.

"You know I heard it the first time, you're doing this to annoy me."

"If you're so smart then why do you keep telling me to stop because you know I'll never stop", I roll my eyes at his stupid explanation.

He smirks and I can clearly see the satisfaction that he gets after seeing my annoyed expression.

[Time skip]

Mark is in my room with my laptop and I have no idea what he is doing. I just hope that I don't get viruses.

Why did I even offer him food?, I ask myself.

A few minutes ago, I asked Mark if he was hungry and I was expecting no, but he said yes. So, now I'm in the kitchen, waiting for the ramen to boil.

"Mark! Come eat!", I yell, but I don't think he heard me.

So, I go upstairs and find him laying on my bed with my laptop.

"The ramen is ready", I tell him.

"Okay, just let me finish this round", He answers without moving his eyes from the screen.

I know he won't be done anytime soon, so I jump on the bed beside him and lay on my stomach.

"What are you doing my baby Maklee?", I giggle as I mess up his hair.

"First of all, stop touching my hair. Secondly, STOP calling me that", he groans and removes my hand from his head.

"Calling you what?", I play innocent and pretend to not know what he meant.

"That-", he says in an obvious tone.

"That what?", I raise an eyebrow, asking him to be specific.

"That stupid nickname of yours."

"And what's that?"

"Mak-", he was about to say it but stopped as soon as he noticed the small grin on my face. "You're making fun of me", he throws the cushion beside him.

"I'm not", I start to run away from him.

"You know I hate being called that", The Canadian continues trowing cushions.

"But I love calling you my baby Maklee", I tease the younger and start to tickle him.

"Yah~ stop it", he laughs.

We both laugh, forgetting about everything that happened or was going to happen. We play for a few more minutes, but then I come back to reality and realize that from now on, my life is going to be shit in school. I'll be all the mean girls' target, they'll make my life miserable. Seriously, I wish I could just go back to being invisible, but I can't, it's too late now.

"Hey, what's wrong?", Mark asks.

I return back my attention towards him and try to pretend that everything is fine, but it's too late because he's already removing the teardrops from my cheeks. I burst into tears and I don't even remember when my tears started to fall down from my eyes.

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