Chapter 2: Alone

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"Go!" The oldest yelled. "Escape this damn hell!" He lost his right hand and now, he's helpless.

They were running in a dark, damp hallway. They NEED to survive.

The oldest brought up a magical barrier and distracted their pursuers. "Allistor!" Yelled back his younger siblings.

He smiled. "It's okay... just be safe and escape this hell."

The rest of his siblings ran. "Allistor..." Cried Dylan. "Dylan! Hurry up!" Instructed Aaron as he grabbed his sibling.

"We need to help Allistor!" Cried Dylan. "We NEED to survive! We were instructed to leave and escape!" Reminded Aaron.

Then, they heard a powerful gunshot. Immediately, they felt that Allistor was no longer there. "A... Allistor..." Dylan cried.

"Tsk... let's hurry. They're going after us next." Aaron sighed as the rest of the surviving siblings ran.

After some time of running, they finally saw the light. They smiled. But, "SEAMAS!!!" Cried Aaron. His twin brother had just been shot by a gun in his chest.

"Seamas... come on... don't die on me. We still have to live together." He cried. "Seamas? S-seamas?"

"A-aaron.... please.... save yourself.... mom... and dad.... would get mad..... if you don't survive...." And those were his last words. "S-seamas?" His tears were flowing like the waterfalls. "P-please..." Aaron begged. "D-don't leave us here."

"A-aaron... let's go. We can still escape." Reminded Dylan. "N-no. I-i can't leave him here. You two... survive for me... please... I'll hold them back." Instructed Aaron.

"B-but Aaron! We can escape together! We don't need someone to-"
"I know that, idiot! But... I can't just leave him here... we promised... that we'll be... with each other... forever. That is why I can't just abandon him!" Cried Aaron.

"Just escape from this place! And we'll win! I promise... I'll get back..." He smiled.

Dylan left his brother. "Promise me... that you'll live with me... Arthur..." He told his younger brother. "Y-yes..." He replied.

As soon as they reached the outside of their 'home', they were relieved. Finally... they can live a life of-

"Ack..." Dylan gasped. His left leg got shot by an arrow, a poisonus one. After Dylan was shot, Arthur was the next. A man attacked him and aimed for his head. But... he got Arthur's left arm.

Arthur yelled in pain. He, without knowing it, teleported Dylan and himself to another place. Once he noticed that they are safe, he quickly went to his brother. "A-are you okay? Do you need help? I'll do anything Dylan!" He told him. "P-please... don't get yourself hurt again..." The brother smiled.

Arthur figured that he needs the help of herbal plants. He quickly grabbed his one of his books, that were given to him by his parents, and went to find the herbs. "I-i'll be back, Dylan! I'll get you some herbs and soon... you'll be walking again!" Arthur cried as he went away to look for some medicinal plants.

But, as soon as he returned, his brother wasn't there. "Brother I brought... the... herbs..." He was in pain.

He lost all his brothers.

He was... lonely.

"Dylan? W-where are you? I-i-i'm not kidding. P-please answer!" He cried. "Please!"

Over the time... he grew hatred in his heart. We never deserved all of this... we never did anything wrong... I NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG!!!

He lost his left arm and now, he lives with only one. He grew without receiving love from anyone. He grew without experiencing any other emotions other than hatred.

"I... I'll kill them all..." He sweared to himself.

Time passed by and he grew cold. He grew up thinking like a machine and not feeling any feelings except anger. He grew alone. He trusted no one.

He trained himself in using magic and improved his physical strength.

In order to eat, he has to steal. If his pursuers would try to kill him, he would kill them. They would usually beg for his mercy but he would answer: "I... I don't know what mercy is."

He wasn't teached to write and to read. He also didn't learn that much words. He would usually rely on the pictures of his books to know what to do. He never learned how to read...

His 'home' only provided them the things necessary for living, like food and clothing.

The 'caretakers' don't find it important for a child to know how to read and write because they would kill them at the age of 12, when their magic is at it's fullest.

Arthur wouldn't talk unless needed to. He was straight forward and knows how to trick people. He was teached by his older brothers.

In summary... Arthur Kirkland... a child born by magic and with both parents as a Council Guardian, had escaped their 'home' and is living a life of stealing.

He is uneducated but he learn things easily. He doesn't trust anyone because he thinks of them as an enemy.

What if he learned to trust other people? How will he act and will be ever learn other emotions other than hatred?

If you don't understand why England could kill someone.... tell me.... how did he manage to create the LARGEST empire out there? Rome is the most powerful... and England has the largest.

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