Chapter 5: Lukas And Emil

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"Dylan!" The man shouted. He cried loudly and begged his siblings to come back. "Allistor... Aaron... Seamas.... where.... are you?" He cried.

"Lukas, he's awake." The younger man told his older brother. "Did his fever went down? I think I overdid the spell." The older, Lukas, asked him.

"It didn't. I tried using your herbs but it didn't work." The younger informed his brother. "My magic didn't also work." Lukas added.

"Ugh..." Groaned Arthur. "W-who are y-you?" He asked. Arthur tried to sit up with his left hand... but he forgot that he had none.

The 2 men helped him sit. "My name is Lukas B. Steilsson." Lukas greeted. "I'm his younger brother, Emil B. Steilsson."
Yup... I changed their names.

"Why... why are you taking care of me?" Arthur asked. He saw the medical herbs and a glass of water beside him. He also noticed that they are inside a cave.

"We saw you wandering in this forest. We also heard rumors about a child stealing- and sometimes killing- food and other things in a small village nearby." Emil replied.

"By the way, what happened to your arm?" Lukas asked Arthur. "My... arm?" Arthur asked. "Yeah your arm... why is it like that?"

"What is... an 'arm'?" He asked. Of course he doesn't know these kinds of things because first, his caretakers didn't educate him.

Lukas and Emil were shocked. "It's this." Emil showed Arthur his arm. "Oh... you mean this?" Arthur showed his missing left arm. "I got shot..." Arthur replied. "That shot was powerful and it broke my arm."

"W-wait... when did this happen? Is it still bleeding?" Emil asked him. "It happened over a year ago... when I was... when my brothers are still with me..." Arthur replied.

"Wait, how old are you? You musn't be even wandering in a place like this!" Emil exclaimed. "My... age? I don't know. My caretakers didn't tell us... but my brother told me that I was 6 last year." Arthur replied. "So, 7 years?" Lukas asked.

"Um... why are you here alone... what's your name?" Lukas asked him. "Arthur Kirkland. My brothers were killed and I was the only one who survived." Arthur replied.

For some unknown reason... Arthur was answering truthfully. He doesn't know why but he feels like... Emil and Lukas really care for him. He feels some kind of connection between them. But, he doesn't know why.

"Why would they kill... a child?" Emil asked his brother. "Unless they were also made by magic." Lukas told Emil. "Arthur... are you and your siblings made of magic?" Lukas asked Arthur.

"Allistor, Aaron, and Seamas weren't. Me and Dylan were the only ones made by magic." Arthur replied. "So... we're the same, huh?" Lukas 'smiled'.

"What do you mean?" Asked Arthur. "Me and Emil were escapees. Our village was attacked and our parents were killed for having a child, me and Emil, with magic. Giving birth to a child with magic is prohibited." Lukas told him.

"Thank you..." Arthur muttered. "For surviving..." He hugged Lukas. "I thought I'll always be different... because... I survived. So thank you... for surviving." He cried.

"It's okay... don't cry. We'll protect you, Arthur." Lukas replied.

Arthur sneezed and blew his nose unto Lukas' shirt. "H-hey!" Lukas exclaimed.

After that, Arthur lended his books to Lukas. "My books. They have spells and a guide to medicinal herbs." He said. Emil opened the book of spells. He discovered rare spells that are only used by first-class magic users. And when I mean first-class I mean royals and council guardians. Lukas also discovered new herbs that he didn't know about.

"Arthur... how did you get your hands on these books?" Lukas asked. "My parents gave them to Dylan who gave them to me." Arthur replied. "What are the jobs of your parents?"

"Um.. I don't know."

"Do you know their names?"


"How about their appearance?"

"I never met them."

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