Chapter 17: Captured II

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The trio was held by the royals themselves.

When they entered the palace, Lukas and Emil's eyes were fixed unto the interior. Sure the royals are rich but they weren't expecting THIS kind of richness.

Arthur still is mad about what they did to his siblings. So, instead of staring at the palace, he thought a way for them to escape.

They were also forced to wear white clothes and brown shorts. Afterwards, they were tossed into different cells at the dungeon. "Stay here and don't make a sound." Yao said as he locked the door.

Arthur tried communicating to his comrades but he can't reach them. He figured that it was the cause of the cuffs he was forced to wear. "Damn it..." Arthur cursed.

He ended up blaming himself for them being captured. "If I can just break through their spells.... damn it...." He cried. "Damn it!"

"Arthur!" He heard Lukas yell from the other room. "L-lukas?!" Arthur cried as he tried to go to Lukas. "Lukas, are you alright? H-how about Emil? Are you together?" He asked. "Arthur, calm down." Lukas answered. "They won't hurt us, if they did, we can retaliate and they know that."

"Emil is alright, I talked to him earlier. He's at the other room." Lukas informed Arthur. "Arthur, calm down. We can live through this. Don't worry. I promise that I wouldn't get hurt.... just don't worry too much." Lukas said.

Arthur managed to calm himself but he still can't think of a way they can escape.

Dinner came around and the guards, including Mathias, Berwald, and Tino who just joined the guards(because he said it was fun) brought them dinner. Emil's cell was the first one to open. Tino chose to stay close to Emil while he ate. He watched him closely so that he wouldn't escape. Thankfully, Emil ate his dinner and didn't become a stubborn person.

The next one is Lukas who was being watched by Mathias. "I won't eat it." Lukas said. Mathias stared at him in confusion. "Do you not like it? We can bring another food if you'd like." Mathias said. "No need, I'm not eating your food." Lukas replied. "Come on!" Mathias groaned.

Then, Mathias got a mischievous idea. "Do you want me to feed you then?" He asked. "What? No." Lukas answered. "Yes it is!" The military head soon grabbed a spoonful of the food and brought it closer to Lukas' mouth. "Say ahhhh!" He laughed. But, Lukas didn't open his mouth. There, Mathias forcefully opened Lukas' mouth and tried to make him swallow the food.

He manage to perform such feat after a long time, it was so long that Tino already came inside Lukas' cell.

Afterwards, Berwald went to Arthur and gave him food. "Eat it." He said. Arthur didn't reply and just stared at the ground. "D'd you h'r me?" Berwald asked as he went closer. Suddenly, Arthur used his cuffed hands to hit Berwald. "That may contain poison, I bet Lukas' cooking is better." He stared at Berwald.

That is when Berwald noticed his left arm, it was mechanical. He chose to take a look at it closely. "H-hey! What do you think you're doing!?" Arthur asked as Berwald got his left arm.

"Bloody wanker, get off." Arthur cursed as he tried to kick Berwald off. As soon as Berwald stood up, he asked a question. "Why's you're 'rm l'ke th't?"

"Tsk... you don't need to know..." Arthur replied bitterly.

Berwald left Arthur his food and then locked the doors. This is the time that Arthur noticed that there's just the light from the door and the light from the window. "It's pretty dark." Arthur muttered silently.

Berwald, Mathias, and Tino reported to King Alfred. Tino started with Emil. "Emil isn't stubborn at all. He do what he's asked and sometimes askes some questions... that's all. He even told me his name." Tino said.

"That guy I was assigned was super fun when you piss him off. He was stubborn and won't do anything that I say so I forced him to eat." Mathias laughed. "The g'y I w's assigned to 's stubborn. He d'dn't eat 'nd wh'n I tr'd to l'k at h's arm, h' kicked me." Berwald informed him.

"Oh yeah... that guy's arm is not a real arm. Berwald told me on the way here." Mathias told him. "His arm was mechanical and looks like he got it from Hearts. It also looks new." He added.

"Mm..." Berwald nodded.

"I just talked to the Council Guardians earlier, and what I mean is that I talked to the Jokers." Alfred informed them. "They said that we can't kill because it's against the law, even if they killed someone. We also can't let them live in the cells forever because they still might be angry at us and when they escape, they might try to kill us off. Peter told me that." Alfred told them.

"So the best choice that we have is to have them work here." Matthew continued. "What are you thinking?!" Yao asked. "Them working here? They'll try to kill us!" He said. "They didn't kill us even if they had the capability to... and besides... they need to be taken care of." Matthew said.

"What do you mean? They don't need to be taken care of!" Yao yelled. "They lived their lives full of sadness and loneliness. They depended on their ability to steal, they need to learn how not to steal." Mattew answered. "Oh... so that's what you meant..." Yao sighed.

"Anyways, I planned to have them work as our personal servants so that we can watch them carefully and teach them. I plan to have the most dangerous one. I'll give the stubborn one to Yao and Emil to Matthew." Alfred informed them. "I won't take him." Yao disagreed. "I'll let them learn on their own. It's not like I hate the guy but I believe that one should learn independently." He stated. "Oh oh oh oh! I'll have him then! Besides, I'm the only one who can control him!" Mathias laughed.

"I don't also want a slave." Matthew spoke. "I'm supposed to protect the King and adding a slave for me to teach may add work. And if ever that the dangerous one tried to kill the King, I can stop him without getting another person injured. Because my slave might also be siding with the other one..." Matthew explained.

"Me and Berwald can take care of him." Tino said. "He's not that stubborn so it'll be a piece of cake for us."

"Alright, it's settled. First thing in the morning, we'll get them ready." Alfred said as he dismissed them.

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