Chapter 9: Goodbye

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"Mommmm!" Alfred went to his parents. "Mom! Dad!" He cried. "A-alfred!" Matthew exclaimed. "D-did you see what happened?!" Matthew asked. "A-alfie!"

"Mattie! Get the doctors and nurses ready! Call them!" Alfred instructed him. "Call them!"

Matthew took a big gulp and called the doctors and nurses. They rushed the royals to the nearest infirmary which is not that far. "M-mom... Dad... you can still hear me right? P-please... you can't die." Alfred cried. "It's okay... Alfred... it's okay... let's just leave this to the experts." Matthew tried to calm him down.

The doctors did everything they could do but the King and Queen didn't survive.

"No! I don't believe you!" Alfred cried. "They couldn't die! You must be lying!" He said. "Alfie! Stop! You need to get yourself together." Matthew yelled. "Y-you don't believe them... do you?" Alfred cried. "They're still alive!" He cried.

"No! They are not!" Matthew cried. "I also don't like it. I want them to live. But if you're never going to accept that they're not here anymore... how can you be a good King?!" He said. "I know it's hard... I know..." Matthew hugged his brother. "You're not alone... Alfred..."

"Mattie... I'm sorry..." Alfred apologized. "No... it's okay... don't be. You only acted that way because you don't want them to die... it's okay..." Matthew said.

The funeral was held after a week. All citizens attended, but they were only at the gate of the graveyard. "It's too bad... the King and Queen was such a great ruler." The Jack said. Matthew looked at his crying brother. "Are you okay, Alfred?" He asked. "Y-yeah... it's just hard to accept it... but I'm fine now." He wiped his tears and smiled. "I'm going to lead my people properly, just like I promised our parents." He said. "I'll be a hero for them..."

He figured that this 'Arthur Kirkland' guy was one with the culprit. Since, he did hesitate to tell his name at first and he knew that he was lost. He also saw him almost instantly when he got lost. Alfred tried to search for an 'Arthur Kirkland' on their files. He searched for days but couldn't find any Kirkland on their files. His last hope his the 'Files of the Dead' file, which contains all the dead people.

The book was alphabetically arranged so his work just got better. "Khrista, Kalile, Kamero, Kendell, Kingston, Kingstone, Kiristin, Kirkland." He muttered. He opened the file and found the 4 newest entries. 
Allistor Kirkland
Death Age: 12
Aaron Kirkland
Death Age: 10
Seamas Kirkland
Death Age: 10
Arthur Kirkland
Death Age: 6

He knew it. This so called 'Arthur' was one with the culprit. He even faked his name. Alfred opened Arthur's folder and looked unto his bio.
Arthur Kirkland
Gender: Male
Birthday: April 23, 20XX
Parents: Unidentified
Death Age: 6
He was found dead in the forest area. His brother was with him at that time. The citizens noticed that they both posses a strong aura and immediately surrendered them to the palace. That is when the guards noticed that they are both made from magic. The brother pleaded the guards to not kill him and to give his brother a proper burial. He promised to serve this Kingdom. The King and Queen approved.
Known Relatives:
Dylan Kirkland-Brother

Alfred knew Dylan. He worked as a private servant for him. Although, Dylan never told him that he had a brother and that he was made by magic. "Your highness," A man called. "Your dinner is ready." He said. Alfred looked at the man. "Okay, wait for me." He said as he went to the man.

"Your name is Dylan, right?" Alfred asked. "Yes." Dylan answered. "Dylan Kirkland?"


"Do you have a brother?"

"Yes, but they are all dead now."

"Arthur Kirland? Is he your brother?"


"Why did he die?"

"He... he was shot..."

"Ah sorry for asking. It must be terrible for you to handle..."

"No it's okay..."

"It's too bad... that one of the culprits hid their name under Arthur. Your brother seems very nice. And his name was stained by that culprit." Alfred muttered.

"You what?" Asked Lukas. "I helped the Prince." Replied Arthur. "Is that okay?" He asked.

"Fine... as long as your happy..." Lukas sighed. "Okay..." Said Arthur. "I also saw some Demons when I went to the forest. The forest was full of them, I'm planning to kill them all by the end of this week." Added Arthur.

"We'll go to the town every week. We need to get our food because the fishes on the ocean are running out." Emil told them. "Maybe it's also because of the Demons." Said Arthur.

"But... I've never seen a group of Demons enough to finish all the fishes. Then again... this could all be the effect of the Princes' celebration..." Arthur told them. "Every week starting today, we'll go to the town to steal if the Demons won't stop going in and out." Lukas concluded.

Arthur stood up and went to the forest. "I'm going." He said. "Arthur," Said Lukas. "Let Emil join you."

"What?! Are you trying to kill me?!" Asked Emil. "No, I'm trying to level you up. You're an Offense type, so you need to fight those Demons and level up." Replied Lukas. "Besides, Arthur won't let you die."

Emil sighed as he went to Arthur. "I'll weaken the Demons and let you finish them off." Said Arthur. "Sure." Replied Emil.

"Oh... by the way... what do Demons look like?" He asked. "The form of Demons always change, they can even change intk humans. But, you can tell if they're Demons if they only have an eye on their face." Arthur informed him.

"Bror told me that you kill Demons, he said you were skilled at it too. Who told you that there are Demons in this world anyways? We learned from our parents but we never knew who told you about these." Emil told him. "My brother used to tell me stories about them." Arthur replied.

"And now you can't see them anymore." Emil sighed. "Those people who follows and worships the Church of the Council Guardians killed them." Arthur told him.

Arthur stopped Emil from moving. "They're here..." He said. "I'll first teach you how to not get eaten by these Demons."

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