Chapter 15: Announcement

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Alfred, Yao, Matthew, Mathias, and Berwald went to Yellow District the following day.

"Citizens of Yellow District, may we please get your attention, aru!!" Yao yelled. As soon as he said that, all the female teens gathered around him. "Aiyaah! My manly charms had attracted all the girls again." He bragged. "No you didn't! We're here for King Alfred!!!" Yelled the crowd.

"Hahaha! Burnnnnn!" Mathias laughed. "Ooooohhhhhhh!" Some of girls shouted in unison.

"We need your help," Alfred began. "We need to catch the thieves who had been in our kingdom for a while now. We need volunteers to surround the forest area just in case we didn't catch the thieves."

"Any male volunteer?" He asked. But no male raised their hands. Either they're too afraid or they want to stay in the village and protect their family. "Anyone?" Alfred asked. "If you're worried about being hurt.... don't be. One of the leaders of the military would be there. His name is Berwald Oxenstierna, one of my trusted friends." He added.

Then, a male teen raised his hand. "I'll help." He said. "Please go here, aru!" Yao instructed.

The teen went forward. He has blonde hair and violet eyes. His face is also round. "I'm Tino, Tino Väinämöinen." He said. "You look like a child aru. Are you sure you can fight?" Yao asked. "Look who's talking..." Tino sighed. "I'm older than I look. My age is 16 and I'm older than the Kings." He informed them.

"Pl'sed t' m't you." Berwald said as he extended his arm towards Tino. "Pleased to meet you too." Tino replied, then they did a hand shake. "Are there anymore volunteers?" Alfred asked but nobody responded.

"Berwald, whatever happens, you must protect Tino to show that we are capable of leading." Matthew told him. "Mm." Berwald replied.

"Next," Alfred contintinued. "If ever the thieves went to this town, let them be. If you noticed them entering a shop, please tell the nearest guard and then that guard will alert the others. After that, the rest of the citizens will surround the building and will not let any of the thieves escape."

"How are you sure that the thieves would not hurt us?" One of the citizens asked. "He didn't allow my brother to be hurt. Just don't hurt his comrades and he'll not injure anyone." Replied Alfred.

"Moving on, if they did escape, the guards that surrounds the forest will capture them. That will make our plan successful." Alfred concluded. "Are there any questions?" He asked... but once again... nobody replied.

"Be aware starting tomorrow. We aren't sure when they're going to strike next." Alfred told his citizens.

4 days after the incident, the trio went to the district.

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