Chapter 11: The Criminal

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Alfred woke up earlier than expected. He jumped out of his bed and went to the door. But he overheard his men talking about something.

"Have you heard? James was killed." The first man said. "Woah really? He's so kind and skilled. How could he die?"

"A criminal killed him. Their head was also injured badly."

"Who are they?! We must capture them immediately! They shouldn't be wandering around the Kingdom."

"Well... the thing is... they are a trio. When the head shot the first one, the killer defended his other comrades and attacked the guards. Then, James hit the uninjured one on his heart. When the killer noticed this, he went to James and sliced off his head... that is what I heard about."

"We must find them immediately! The killer must die!"

"Well.... that's kinda against the law..."

"What do you mean!? All killers must either be put to jail or be executed."

"That is if they are on the right age."


"The killer... is a child about our Princes' age."

"What is the appearance of the killer?" Alfred stepped out and asked his men. "P-prince Alfred!" They both saluted. Alfred asked about the killer looked like. "I only heard this story from the other guards. If you want to know his physical appearance, please ask them." The guard replied. "Thank you..." Alfred said as he went towards the infirmary.

On the way, he met a librarian. "Hi there Prince Alfred." She said. "Hello! Your type is Knowledge... right?" Alfred asked. "Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Can you come with me to the infirmary?"

"Sure thing."

They both walked towards the infirmary to check if the guards are there. Luckily, they are. "P-prince Alfred!" The guards stuttered as they tried to stand. "Don't tire yourselves. Sit down." The Prince ordered.

"You're the head right?" Alfred asked one guard. "Yes sir!" He exclaimed. "Miss... please read his mind and project the appearance of the man." Alfred ordered the librarian. "Yes." She replied as she projected the image of the killer. Alfred was shocked. He met this killer before...

Just then... Dylan entered the room. He was about to say that Alfred's breakfast is ready but he was shocked to see what was projected. "He's the killer..." Said the head. "Wait... he... he's a man that I've met before... thick eyebrows... emerald eyes... blond hair... yes... he's the man..."

Dylan couldn't believe what he just heard. His brother was the killer. Dylan can't believe that his brother just killed a guard. His brother isn't that kind of person. He wouldn't harm someone. Dylan cried. He just can't accept that his youngest sibling took someone's life.

Alfred noticed his personal servant run away. "H-hey Dylan! Wait up!" He yelled. He managed to catch the servant. "Did I say something wrong?" He asked. "N-no... it's nothing..." Dylan replied while wiping his tears. "Are you sure? You don't seem very well."

"No no it's fine... you did nothing wrong, your Highness." He smiled. "I'm sorry that I disturbed you... your breakfast is already ready. Matthew is waiting for you there." He said.

Dylan assisted the soon-to-be-King to the dining room. Matthew greeted him. "Huh? Why is your personal servant crying? Did you hurt his feelings?" He asked. "No no no! You got it wrong! I didn't say anthing wrong... or at least I think I didn't... but he never told me rhe reason why he's crying though..." Alfred replied. "Ah I see..." Matthew smiled.

They both ate their breakfast peacfully. Although they both miss their parents, they still managed to eat together at the same dining hall their family ate. "Say... do you think I can be a great king?" Alfred asked. "Heh... you never asked me about that before. You always say that you'll be a great king some day." Matthew smiled. "Let's see... well... just keep up the good work and I assure you that you'll be a great king!" He said.

Lukas was not yet waking up from his injury. Emil and Arthur started to worry since it had been 2 days since he got shot. Although they didn't escape with all the stolen materials... they did manage to survive for the 2 days.

Then, Lukas started coughing. This got Emil's attention and then he called Arthur. "Arthur Arthur!" He called. "I think he's waking up!" He said. "Really?" Arthur asked as he went inside the cave. When the coughing stopped, Lukas finally woke up. "Bror..." He muttered.

"Bror! Bror!" Emil cried as he hugged his brother. "Here... drink this. The effect is fast... don't worry." Arthur said as he gave a medical drink to Lukas. Lukas drank it and in an instant... he felt better. "Did you use the herbs we found at the forest?" He asked. "Yes. I took some from yiur stock." Arthur replied.

"Wait... you 2 didn't get injured, right?" Lukas asked. "Arthur took care of my wounds but... he still took some damage due to the overuse of his magic." Emil replied. Lukas looked at Arthur. "Show me your hand." He said.

Normally... the bruises and damage of the overuse of one's magic would be present at their arms. "Show me your hand, Arthur." He ordered. Arthur first hesitated but he can't say no to his family. He eventually showed him his right hand. At the moment when Lukas rolled up his sleeves, he noticed that his arms weren't just injured... his arms were still burning.

Arthur clenched his fists harder as he felt the burn. "Ow ow ow ow ow." He silently muttered. "Arthur, this is far from dangerous!" Lukas scolded him. "Look at what you've done to yourself. You can lose your magic for about a month because of this!"

"I don't want us to be short on the medicines. I want to help you more... I can't let you die. I don't want you to suffer." Arthur cried. "I... don't know what to do..." He said. "Arthur..." Emil muttered. "I'm sorry." Arthur said as he wiped his tears.

"No no... it's okay... just don't do that again for our sake." Lukas sighed. "Oh... since my arm is full of burns, they release some magic to heal my burns... so Demons would probably hunt me down." Arthur informed them. "B-but I'll kill them and defend you. I won't let them hurt you." He said as he rolled down his sleeves. "No!" Lukas exclaimed. "You're going to stay here with me and I'll have Emil take on those Demons. You have to rest."

"But what if Emil got hurt or injured? What if he got taken by the Demons? What if he was killed?!" Arthur asked. "No, he's fine. Bror leveled up a lot and I think he could handle this already. If ever he got injured, he would call me and I would heal him. I'm gaining levels too when I manage to learn something new about medication." Lukas replied. "Just relax... we'll handle this. You've been working so hard ever since we met so it's time we repay you." Emil smiled.

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