Chapter 12: Learning

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Warning: OOC Norway

Night time came and Arthur was anxiously waiting for Emil to come inside the cave. "Calm down... he's not going to die." Lukas reassured him.

Outside, Emil was beating the Demons' ass like Arthur taught him to. He soemtimes uses his magic as a bait for the Demons then when they go closer, he would kill them.

After some hours passed, Emil got back with a ton of new herbs. "Bror, thanks." Lukas said as he got the herbs. "See? I told you that I'd survive." He said. "I'm sorry..." Arthur muttered. "I'm sorry I've been so concerned about you 2... I've never thought about your strengths and my weaknesses. I'm sorry..." He said. Emil took a quick glare at his brother and asked Arthur: "What had my brother told you?"

"Don't worry bror... he's still a virgin- ahem... innocent." Said Lukas. "You..." Emil cursed as he went to his brother and started hitting him. "I expected better... bror...." He said. "Don't worry, I just told him that he still needs to think about himself." Lukas told his brother.

"Lukas... Emil... what does 'virgin' mean?" Asked Arthur. "Well a virgin means a person that had not experienced fu-"

"It means a person who has not been married to another person!" Emil exclaimed. "How about 'innocent'?" Arthur asked again. "Well," Lukas started. "It means a person who has no idea of how another person fuc-"

"It means a person who knows a little about the multiplication of human beings!" Yelled Emil.

"You know... I'm also Knowledge type so I can read both your minds." Arthur reminded them. "And now I know the meaning of those words... thank you..." He sighed. "W-w-w-wait! I was just joking!" Lukas exclaimed. "Forget about all the things you saw in my head. I command you!" He said as he nervously laughed.

Emil glared at his big brother in disgust. "Arthur... can you tell me what you saw in my brother's head?" He asked. "..." Lukas stayed silent.

"Well... there was him [CENSOR] you in a bed and he [CENSOR] [CENSOR] [CENSOR] and [CENSOR] you then you [CENSOR] loudly as he [CENSOR] [CENSOR] then I came in... then that's where he stopped [CENSOR] you." Arthur told him in a pretty detailed sentence. "More importantly... WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME?!" Emil blushed as he asked him. "Um... Arthur, what did you see in my brother's head?" Lukas asked.

"Well... all I saw is him trying his hard not to think about all the things you imagined." Replied Arthur. "See, you are a pervert." Lukas smirked. Emil blushed even more. "A-at least I-i-i'm not d-doing i-incestuous acts  l-l-like you are!" Emil exclaimed.

"I'm going to sleep." Lukas said as he went to sleep. "H-hey don't just change the topic!!!" Emil exclaimed. "You better sleep too, Emil. It's getting pretty late." Said Arthur. "You're right... well... good night." Emil smiled as he went  to sleep with his stuffed toy.

Arthur sat there, slightly smiling. He felt this emotion that wants him to burst in laughter... but he never knew what it was called. He slowly rolled up his sleeves and noticed his burn marks. "I'm really useless, huh?" He asked himself. "I can't even protect myself." He said. "I can't even fight properly for my family..."

"Arthur..." Lukas said. "Ah! You're still awake?" Arthur exclaimed. "I just told you earlier right? You just need to learn. We are human beings but we're just made of magic. We aren't perfect so don't set your expectations too high nor too low." Lukas reminded him. "Be able to take care for yourself first, then you can defend your loved ones."
**Quote on quote**

"Sorry... I'm new to this too high expectations and too low expectations thing..." Arthur said. "But, I'll do anything for my family... whatever it takes." He added. "Tsk... I just told you to take care of yourself first." Lukas sighed.

Arthur finally managed to sleep. He was busy thinking about trying to be a self-centered person.

"This is so hard..." He said when he woke up. "'Be a self centered person'? How's that going to help us in our situation?" He asked as he poured cold water on his burns. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow." He muttered. It was a relief that he wouldn't do that to his other arm... because his other arm is not even there anymore.

"Endure it. This is for you." Said Lukas. "You should have told me earlier so that the pain wouldn't be too stinging."

After he poured the cold water, only the burn marks remained. Although it was still painful when he moves his arms, it was more endurable than his earlier condition.

He got dressed and headed outside. He grabbed his bow and arrow and practiced shooting there. He noticed Emil who was also training. "Emil... I never thought you would be good at using a sword." He said. "I can say the same to you. I thought you would be a better swordsman than a archer." Emil replied.

"The first weapon I was taught to use is the bow and arrow. This was given to me by my brothers and I wouldn't lose it." Arthur added. "You know..." Emil began as he sat down. "This sword is my dad's. He gave it to me before we escaped our town. He told me, 'Take care of your brother and he'll take care of you. You would attack and he would heal you. You can only rely on each other in this world... remember that.' Those were the exact words he told me." Emil informed his friend.

"Why... how can you manage to smile when you've already lost your parents?" Arthur asked. "Why... do you 2 seem so happy?"

"Because, our parents told us to live our lives. They said that they would always be with us... in our hearts. They said that we'll be free from every problems if we'll live. And that's what we did, we lived. We do everything we want to do everyday." Emil smiled. "We lived for them."

"To live... means to find happiness." Arthur said. "Dylan told me that once... when we were young. At that time... I didn't know what it means. Until now... I don't know what happiness feel like." Hw informed Emil.

Emil was shocked. He never met a person who haven't experienced joy. Even his brother experienced it. "Joy... it's hard to describe. But it's the feeling you get when you are doing something you love." He replied.

"I... don't know what that is... I never experienced it. Or at least I thought I never." Arthur said. "It's okay... me and Lukas would let you feel every emotions out there." Emil chirped.

"Ah I just remembered.... you were asking in your head yesterday why I would ask a question when I can read someone's mind, right? Well... first I need them to think about it because it would take too much magic if I would search deeper into your head." Arthur added.

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