Chapter 8: Hana

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We were tired from the practice. I sat down, staring towards the window...

"What are you looking at?" Ali asked me and looked towards the window...

I looked away quickly and waved my hands at him. "It's nothing!"

"Hana... if I recalled... there was no windows in this room, right?" Ali began as he stood up and walked towards the window...

I stood up and just... teleported myself to be in front of him and close to the window.

Ali stared at me... "And you..."

I shook my head.

"Why is there a window? And how did you learn to teleport?" Ali voice was raising.

I winced at him. I lost my words as I backed to the window...

"Move." Ali said... his voice seemed different...

I moved a bit...

"Tell me... how?" Ali stood staring out of the window.

"The master." I mumbled softly.

Ali looked at me... and seemed to growl. This was not Ali, I thought.

"How come the master favors you more than me?!" Ali growled as he raised his arm with a fist...

The next thing... I watched as Ali slammed his fist into the window... cracking it... but not breaking it...

I was shock. I backed away slowly from Ali. This was not him at all.

Ali looked at his hand... and turned away. "You won't be seeing me for a while." Ali said as he walked towards the door. "Hope the master... teaches you better than I did."

I stared at him... "Ali..."

"No, Hana. Don't say it." Ali sighed as he walked out of the door.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered after the door closed behind him. I knew he didn't hear me.

But I now knew what the master met that I knew something. Ali was my enemy. I wanted to think it was impossible... but something is off... something that's not Ali.

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