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Hank's POV
I stood over the massacre of bodies. The small club seeped with a metallic odor as blood began to pool at our feet. I've seen a lot of bodies on the job, but sometimes you've just got to stop and let it settle for a minute. When the scene is so gruesome it becomes hard on the soul.

I bent down and looked over the bodies, there were fifteen in the first room and about five stragglers in the back. Out of the twenty, one was human-The rest were androids.

"That puts us over 50 kills.." A officer said from behind me, taking photos of the scene.

"In three days." I added standing up. Mass murderer, seemed to fit more than serial killer now.

Connor entered from the back door again.  He had something in his hand that he slide into a evidence bag. "Was anything taken?" He asked the room, as he carefully worked his way around the blue blood that pooled on the ground.

"Doesn't look like a robbery to me. All the cash is there." Officer Allen responded.

Connor walked behind the bar. The android bar tender lay half bent over the register, bullet through the head and out the back, staining the wall behind. "I don't mean cash-The hacking chips, were they stolen?" He began to answer his own question looking under the bar for the chips.

"Are they there?" I ask, watching him.

"Just what I thought. 900 took the hacking chips." Connor said standing back up from behind the bar.

I shook my head. "Why?"

Connor looked over the scene with a deep thoughtfulness. "Not sure."

I stepped back. "Well.. okay." I looked over the blue stained dance floor. Half the bodies weren't even shot, but rather ripped apart, piece by piece, with bare hands. "Guess he ran out of bullets.."

Connor looked over the scene walking around the bar again, scanning the room with his eyes. "Looks like he came in the front," he turned looking at the dead bartender. "Shot the bartender point blank, then turned into the crowd, and fired three more." Connor mimicked the movements. "Then I guess he ran out of ammo, because he threw the next victim into the wall.."

"We've got a gun over here. Registered to a Clifford Mills." Officer Allen stated, picking up a gun from underneath the body of a young android woman.

"Well there's our weapon." I shake my head, "Registered to the victim at the tower."

"He must have worked his way through the floor and into the back rooms." Connor crossed the dance floor and stopped beside the body of an android woman that must have been dragged 10 feet back from the exit door into the main room leaving a deep smear of blue that leaked from her chest that began to dry clear into the wooden floor.

Something on the ground caught my eye- a patterned smudge, half covered by the growing pool of blue. "Hey, I've got a boot print. It's not one of ours is it??" As I asked the four officers in the room checked their feet.

"Not me." Allen replied walking over with his camera.

The officer by the door just shook his head. My feet were clear. Connor walked back looking at the boot. "Standard Cyberlife Android shoes. Size 10.-Its not me."

"It's probably a print from our killer." I spoke, though I honestly didn't see how the print could help us as we already knew the identity of our killer.

"Wait, more than that." Connor said leaning down to look at it, "The other ones are dry. Humans can't see."

"Well? Where does it go?" I huff,-it's almost not fair he can see invisible clues.

"This way." He walked through the bar, across the dance floor to the far side exit that lead to the back alley. I followed him and we stepped back outside into a thin strip of asphalt squeezed between buildings. Connor walked a few steps then frowned. "Thirum rubbed off here, they just stop.." He sounded disappointed, but not surprised.

I sighed. "Well? What do we know?— He must have left through here after the killings." I turned looking around, a high wire fence cut off the alley behind us, and in front on us the lights of the ambulances swirled red and blue. "The alley is cut off so he must have left through there." I pointed down toward the lights by the street.

Connor swayed slightly as he stood, he put his un-injured hand lightly against the wall, though he didn't put weight on it yet, it looked like he might need to.

"Connor?"  My voice broke the ruff silence.

"I'm okay." He breathed, straightening himself again. "I'm fine.. I just.-" he sighed, leaving the sentence unfinished, "Let's see if there is any cameras on the street." He lifted his hand from the wall and walked down the roofless hall ahead of me. I eyed him. I think, if he isn't careful he'll work himself to death.

I followed him in a quick step, and caught up after only a moment.

"I found a chip from the club here, on the ground. It wasn't supposed to leave the club, I think it may have been dropped by the 900." Connor spoke as if nothing had happened.

We passed the ambulances, and entered the street. It was darkly lit with little natural light seeping in from the moon above. I looked for cameras, anything that could give us anything of use, a hint on where to go, or who would be killed next.

Then we hear it. A scream, sharp and real, from the streets ahead.

(Oof. There was a big typo in the last sentence the first night this chapter was published. All good now! Sorry about that!— What do you guys think of the story?- I know these past few chapters have been a little slow, but it gets good here in a chapter or so! Thanks for reading!! 😁)

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