36. Targeted

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Iris frowned. Of course, she was aware that she could've just died, but that wasn't what was bothering her now. Barf and Belch landed back on Berk and Iris immediately went to check on her warriors. The sand wraiths were exhausted and many were injured. The dragon warriors had a few cuts and scrapes, but nothing too bad. "Iris!" One of the younger men of her tribe raced over to her, "thank the gods you're safe; we saw you disappear with the dervish."

"I'm fine, Borris, we need to start tending to the wraiths," Iris instructed, "Arrow isn't as tired out, use her venom heal the others."

"We have, or, well..we're trying.." Borris responded with a look of worry, "..it's not working."

Iris's eyes widened and she was silent for a moment. "..What?" She finally breathed.

"The vemon has been administered to all injured wraiths and warriors, it's working for some, but.." Borris trailed off.

Shaking her head, Iris tried not to fret. "Then have those who still need healing see Gothi," she ordered, "I just hope she isn't busy with too many other injuries from today."

"I don't think she is," Fishlegs answered as he approached Iris, "it seems that the devilish dervish only really attacked your people." Again, Iris was caught in surprise. Looking around the village, sure enough it was only the dragon warriors and sand wraiths who'd been targetted. "And on that note, Hiccup wants to talk to you," Fishlegs added.


"My tribe has always kept out of other worldly business," Iris explained, "we never had the chance to make enemies." She stood in the great hall with the seven dragons riders.

"I know, Iris, but these dragons are obviously after you," Hiccup pointed out.

"Maybe the two species' have a sort of history?" Fishlegs suggested, "that would explain why they came back, if they have an instinct to fight the sand wraiths."

"But they never went to cresent island before, did they?" Astrid asked. When Iris shook her head, she went on, "then why would they suddenly care now."

"They probably never knew about cresent island," Eret suggested, "think about it; the dervish have never had a problem here before, because there were no sand wraiths."

"So, what, now Berk is caught in the middle of a dragon war?" Snotlout asked.

"It seems that way," Hiccup sighed. There was silence for a moment. When he looked to Iris, he saw the look of guilt in her eyes and realized what she must've been feeling. If her people left, Berk could be safe again. So he made sure to add with confidence, "but it's nothing we can't deal with. We'll be prepared from now on."

Iris gave him a grateful smile, and with that, the meeting was over. She and Tuff were walking back to their home together. "How crazy that dragon's go to war, too, huh?" Tuffnut spoke in awe.

"It really is," Iris remarked, "I just hope it doesn't put Berk into too much danger."

Tuff grinned down at her with a mischievous look, "danger? Hah! We're vikings, remember? We used to fight dragons every day; this is nothing."

At this, Iris finally smiled, "you're right..I guess I'm just not used to fighting yet. I was unconscious during the war with Drago, and I've only ever fought in training.."

"And you won't have to even lift a finger in this one, I'll make sure of it," Tuffnut assured her, "just focus on keeping baby nut safe."

Iris giggled and repeated, "baby nut? I hope you don't think we'll be naming him that."

"Or her!" Tuffnut added quickly. He sighed deeply and suddenly threw an arm around Iris, bringing her close to him as she walked, "it doesn't matter what his or her name is; they're gonna be perfect."

Once they reached their cabin, Arrow was already inside with Soul. The baby dragon was half burried in the sand and sound asleep. Iris smiled sweetly at her dragon sibling. Suddenly, she had an idea, "I should write Victor; he'll be so excited to hear about the babies."

Tuff chuckled at his love's excitement as she hurried over to the table and began to write a letter. He stood behind her as she wrote, hands on her shoulders. When she finally finished, they sent out the terror mail.


Two months had gone by. The devilish dervish had attacked four more times in this time. However, with the help of the many other dragons Berk housed, they'd finally given up. Iris was training the dragon warriors as best as she could with her new extra weight. Beginning five months into her pregnancy, her stomach was undoubtedly rounder and popping out a few inches. Soon, she'd have to take a long break from training.

"Alright," she spoke breathlessly when the sun hit it's peak, "that's all today. The dragon riders will be using the arena for the rest of the day."

To The End - A Tuffnut Love Story (HTTYD)Where stories live. Discover now