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Seven Years Later

Iris sat outside of her family's hut this morning, sewing together the first she'd scales of Soul

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Iris sat outside of her family's hut this morning, sewing together the first she'd scales of Soul. Once the outfit was finished, Everest would be officially welcomed into the dragon warriors to begin his training.

"How much longer, mama?" Everest asked with a sparkle of delite in his lilac eyes.

Iris grinned in amusement and responded, "remember what I told you about patience?"

Everest frowned and sighed as he slumped down against his mother's leg. Just then, Ivy came racing around the corner of the house, carrying Spirit on her back. She stopped by her brother and put the growing dragon down, breathing heavily. Iris gave her a raised eyebrow and observed, "having fun with Spirit, I see."

"Fun? No, we're training!" Ivy argued between gasping breaths, "I wanted Spirit to see what it's like to be a dragon rider." She then turned to the younger dragon and asked, "how was it?"

Spirit clicked in response, scary; much better the other way around. Ivy giggled and sat to catch her breath, "yeah, I agree."

Then, Iris realized something was wrong. "Ivy, aren't you supposed to be with your father?" She questioned.

Ivy smiled and responded, "daddy's coming too, he's just slow."

Iris couldn't help but laugh as she saw her love rush around toward them. He was just as out of breath as Ivy, leaning against the side of the house, "there you are, you little monster. You're faster than a speed stinger!"

With a squealing giggle, Ivy ran over to Tuffnut and latched onto his leg. "I wanna train a speed stinger," she told him, "then I can send him after all my enemies!"

Tuffnut gave his daughter a look of surprise, "well, that's a little..dark."

Ivy giggled ferociously. Seeing his sister with her arms and legs wrapped around Tuff's leg, Everest walked over casually and attached himself to his father's other leg. The two children headbutted and giggled.

"Be careful, you two," Iris sighed before mumbling to herself, "thank the gods you've got your father's tough skull."

Tuffnut chuckled and began walking around with the children on his legs, taking large slow steps. He roared and pretented to be a three headed dragon to entertain, triggering a chorus of giggles from the twins. Iris smiled in amusement and sewed together the last bits of the small dragon warrior armor. "Alright, Everest," she spoke with a satisfied sigh, "wanna try it on?"

Tuff stopped his rampage to let the boy off of his foot. As Everest walked over to his mother, Tuffnut shouted dramatically, "ah, we've lost a head!" Then, Ivy detatched herself as well. Tuff gasped, "oh, the humanity!" He then proceeded to drop to the ground and pretent to die.

Taking the scales from his mother, Everest entered the house to put them on. Ivy, seeing her father in a vulnerable position, smirked devilishly. She then let out a battle cry and jumped onto his, her stomach chrashing onto his.

"Oof," Tuffnut's eyes widened as he took the hit. He then sat up and picked up Ivy under her shoulder. "Alright, you got me," he spoke in a rasping voice; he was sure to have a bruise on his ribs.

Ivy squirmed in her father's grasp, kicking her legs and grunting in frustration, "put me down!" Before Tuff even had a chance to let her go, one of her feet kicked him hard in the lower stomach. He fell to the ground again, dropping Ivy onto her feet. "Oh...sorry, daddy," she said shyly, watching her father roll onto his side and hold his stomach.

Just then, Everest exited to the home in full uniform, a wide smile plastered on his face. "Mama, look!" He spoke with enthusiasm.

Iris felt warmth spread through her heart at the sight of her son in the night wraith scales. "Oh, how handsome!" She exclaimed. Walking over to him, she picked him up and balanced him on her hip.

"Does this mean I get to come to training today?" Everest asked.

Iris smiled, "that's right."

Everest then frowned, noticing his father on the ground, "what's wrong with daddy?"

"Your sister," Iris answered. Even being only seven years old, Everest knew what his mother meant. He'd always been a good observer and quick to learn and understand things. Ivy, however, took after Tuffnut quite a lot. She was wild, mischievous, and could be very violent at times. Ivy was definitely going to fit in with the other vikings. As would Everest, even though he was more serious. Hiccup had told Iris that the young boy reminded him a lot of himself as a child.

"Can I train with you and the dragon riders later, too?" Ivy asked Tuff as he stood back up.

Tuffnut smiled crookedly, "well, that's up to your mother."

Ivy turned to Iris and pleaded with batting eyelashes, "pleeease?"

Even Tuff got on his knees and joined in, "pleeeeease?"

Unable to argue with that, Iris gave in, "alright, but wear your helmet!"

"I will!" Ivy shouted as she raced inside to grab her helmet. She came back out within seconds, wearing Tuffnut's first helmet. It was a bit big on her head, but she insisted on wearing instead of a new one.

Iris set Everest down and the two children began to plat with Sport and Soul. Arrow watched over them with care. Finally, Iris was able to get a word in with her husband. She put a hand on his arm and asked, "are you okay?"

"Me? Oh, yeah, totally," Tuff responded with a smile, "nothing I haven't dealt with before. Trust me, Ruffnut was way worse when we were kids." He kissed her gently on the forehead and gave her a loving smile.

Iris grinned in return and proceeded to pull his lips down to her own. His shirt crumpled into her fist, Tuff smiled against her lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist; he still got the same flutter in his heart everytime they touched.

"Ew, Everest, don't look," Ivy whisper shouted at her brother.

"Why?" Everest asked.

"Because it's gross!" Ivy whispered again.

"No it's not," Everest argued.

Iris broke away from Tuff, unable to hold back her laughter. And from that moment on, the love was strong in the Thorston family. Everest grew up to be the next leader of the dragon warriors. He also earned the heart of Zephyr Haddock, and eventually went on to marry her. Tuffnut was overjoyed to be related to Hiccup. The chief was less happy about that.

Ivy was never going to be a dragon warrior. She'd chosen at a young age to follow in the steps of her father and become a dragon rider. Spirit was more than okay with this decision.

Iris and Tuffnut continued to have a relationship full of love, excitement, and surprises. And life on Berk only ever got better.

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